Ganita Prakash Class 6 NCERT Solutions: Ganit Prakash Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions is a very important resource for students of Class 6. CBSE Class 6th Maths NCERT Solutions includes answers of all questions except the ones which are not in the syllabus anymore. NCERT Maths Class 6 Solutions have been provided by the most experienced teachers. A very simple approach has been followed while solving the questions and designing the Ganit Prakash NCERT Class 6 Maths Solutions. Students will find it extremely easy to understand the problems and how to go about solving them. You can also practice Extra Questions for Class 6 Maths on

Ganita Prakash Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions
Ganita Prakash Book Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 1 Patterns in Mathematics Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 2 Lines and Angles Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 3 Number Play Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 4 Data Handling and Presentation Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 5 Prime Time Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 6 Perimeter and Area Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 7 Fractions Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 8 Playing with Constructions Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 9 Symmetry Class 6 Solutions
- Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero Class 6 Solutions
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- NCERT Solutions for Class 6
- NCERT Books for Class 6

CBSE Class 6 Maths Ganita Prakash Syllabus
NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Patterns in Mathematics
- 1.1 What is Mathematics?
- 1.2 Patterns in Numbers
- 1.3 Visualising Number Sequences
- 1.4 Relations among Number Sequences
- 1.5 Patterns in Shapes
- 1.6 Relation to Number Sequences
NCERT Maths Class 6 Chapter 2 Lines and Angles
- 2.1 Point
- 2.2 Line Segment
- 2.3 Line
- 2.4 Ray
- 2.5 Angle
- 2.6 Comparing Angles
- 2.7 Making Rotating Arms
- 2.8 Special Types of Angles
- 2.9 Measuring Angles
- 2.10 Drawing Angles
- 2.11 Types of Angles and their Measures
Class 6th Maths Chapter 3 Number Play
- 3.1 Numbers can Tell us Things
- 3.2 Supercells
- 3.3 Patterns of Numbers on the Number Line
- 3.4 Playing with Digits
- 3.5 Pretty Palindromic Patterns
- 3.6 The Magic Number of Kaprekar
- 3.7 Clock and Calendar Numbers
- 3.8 Mental Math
- 3.9 Playing with Number Patterns
- 3.10 An Unsolved Mystery – the Collatz Conjecture!
- 3.11 Simple Estimation
- 3.12 Games and Winning Strategies
Class 6 NCERT Maths Chapter 4 Data Handling and Presentation
- 4.1 Collecting and Organising Data
- 4.2 Pictographs
- 4.3 Bar Graphs
- 4.4 Drawing a Bar Graph
- 4.5 Artistic and Aesthetic Considerations
6th Class Maths Chapter 5 Prime Time
- 5.1 Common Multiples and Common Factors
- 5.2 Prime Numbers
- 5.3 Co-prime Numbers for Safekeeping Treasures
- 5.4 Prime Factorisation
- 5.5 Divisibility Tests
Maths NCERT Class 6 Chapter 6 Perimeter
- 6.1 Perimeter
- 6.2 Area
- 6.3 Area of a Triangle
Class 6 Math Chapter 7 Fractions
- 7.1 Fractional Units and Equal Shares
- 7.2 Fractional Units as Parts of a Whole
- 7.3 Measuring Using Fractional Units
- 7.4 Marking Fraction Lengths on the Number Line
- 7.5 Mixed Fractions
- 7.6 Equivalent Fractions
- 7.7 Simplest form of a Fraction
- 7.8 Comparing Fractions
- 7.9 Relation to Number Sequences
Math Class 6 Chapter 8 Playing with Constructions
- 8.1 Artwork
- 8.2 Squares and Rectangles
- 8.3 Constructing Squares and Rectangles
- 8.4 An Exploration in Rectangles
- 8.5 Exploring Diagonals of Re9tangles and Squares
- 8.6 Points Equidistant from Two Given Points
Class 6 Maths NCERT Chapter 9 Symmetry
- 9.1 Line of Symmetry
- 9.2 Rotational Symmetry
Class 6th Math Chapter 10 The Other Side of Zero
- 10.1 Bela’s Building of Fun
- 10.2 The Token Model
- 10.3 Integers in Other Places
- 10.4 Explorations with Integers
- 10.5 A Pinch of History
We are thrilled and honoured that the beautiful Chapter 1 of this Class 6 Maths Solutions, ʻPatterns in Mathematics’, has been kindly composed and contributed by Professor Bhargava. In this chapter, in the section ʻWhat is Mathematics?’, Bhargava eloquently speaks of mathematics as a creative art—as a search for beautiful patterns, and the explanations of those patterns. In later sections of the chapter, he describes a sampling of some of the most basic patterns in mathematics—sequences of numbers and sequences of shapes—and their remarkable and often-surprising interrelations. These patterns are regularly revisited in later chapters of this NCERT Maths Class 6 Textbook Pdf Solutions, to emphasise the unity of mathematics, and will also be revisited in future years. We hope that this exploratory chapter will help in inspiring a new generation to explore and pursue mathematics. Building on the idea of exploring patterns in mathematics, the Class 6th Maths NCERT Solutions then turns to a journey across different areas of mathematics.
Chapter 2, ‘Lines and Angles’, introduces the building blocks of geometry—points, line segments, rays, lines, angles, and how to measure angles. Chapter 3, ‘Number Play’, is an exploratory adventure through some instructive but fun games and puzzles in mathematics—some of which are still unsolved!
Chapter 4, ‘Data Handling’, is an introduction to the art of collecting and presenting data, including both its analytic and aesthetic aspects. Chapter 5, ‘Prime Time’, is a playful adventure through prime numbers—the building blocks of the universe of whole numbers—and factorization. Chapter 6, ‘Perimeter and Area’, is a revision of these fundamental notions, with a variety of challenging puzzles to keep children on their toes and enhance understanding.
Chapter 7, ‘Fractions’, will be many students’ first encounter with this important concept; the chapter aims to build intuition about fractions gradually, starting with fractional units like 1/10 as the foundation,and gradually building up to working with general fractions, including their comparison, addition, and subtraction. Chapter 8, ‘Playing with Constructions’, is a hands-on experience of drawing shapes, including using a compass and a ruler, to enhance students’ geometric intuition and comprehension.
Chapter 9, ‘Symmetry’, is an artistic and hands- on exploration of this most important and ubiquitous concept in Mathematics and beyond. Finally, Chapter 10, ‘The Other Side of Zero’, aims for students to gain intuition for negative numbers by visiting Bela’s Building of Fun, and gradually working up to understanding the laws of addition and subtraction of all integers as laid down by Brahmagupta.
NCERT Class 6 Maths Solutions (Old Syllabus)
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths are given below for all chapters.
- Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers
- Chapter 2 Whole Numbers
- Chapter 3 Playing With Numbers
- Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas
- Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shape
- Chapter 6 Integers
- Chapter 7 Fractions
- Chapter 8 Decimals
- Chapter 9 Data Handling
- Chapter 10 Mensuration
- Chapter 11 Algebra
- Chapter 12 Ratio and Proportion
- Chapter 13 Symmetry
- Chapter 14 Practical Geometry
Click on the name of the chapter for which you want to check the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Maths and you will be directed to the page for that chapter. You can then go through the detailed, step-wise CBSE 6th Class Maths Textbook Solutions questions and answers for each and every question for that chapter.
Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers
- Class 6 Maths Knowing our Numbers Exercise 1.1
- Class 6 Maths Knowing our Numbers Exercise 1.2
- Class 6 Maths Knowing our Numbers Exercise 1.3
- Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Whole Numbers
- Class 6 Maths Whole Numbers Exercise 2.1
- Class 6 Maths Whole Numbers Exercise 2.2
- Class 6 Maths Whole Numbers Exercise 2.3
- Whole Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 3 Playing With Numbers
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.1
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.2
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.3
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.4
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.5
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.6
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Ex 3.7
- Playing with Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.1
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.2
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.3
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.4
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.5
- Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.6
- Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shape
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.1
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.2
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.3
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.4
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.5
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.6
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.7
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.8
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Ex 5.9
- Understanding Elementary Shapes Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 6 Integers
- Integers Class 6 Ex 6.1
- Integers Class 6 Ex 6.2
- Integers Class 6 Ex 6.3
- Integers Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 7 Fractions
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.1
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.2
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.3
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.4
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.5
- Fractions Class 6 Ex 7.6
- Fractions Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 8 Decimals
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.1
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.2
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.3
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.4
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.5
- Class 6 Maths Decimals Exercise 8.6
- Decimals Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 9 Data Handling
- Class 6 Maths Data Handling Exercise 9.1
- Class 6 Maths Data Handling Exercise 9.2
- Class 6 Maths Data Handling Exercise 9.3
- Class 6 Maths Data Handling Exercise 9.4
- Data Handling Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 10 Mensuration
- Class 6 Maths Mensuration Exercise 10.1
- Class 6 Maths Mensuration Exercise 10.2
- Class 6 Maths Mensuration Exercise 10.3
- Mensuration Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 11 Algebra
- Class 6 Maths Algebra Exercise 11.1
- Class 6 Maths Algebra Exercise 11.2
- Class 6 Maths Algebra Exercise 11.3
- Class 6 Maths Algebra Exercise 11.4
- Class 6 Maths Algebra Exercise 11.5
- Algebra Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 12 Ratio and Proportion
- Class 6 Maths Ratio and Proportion Exercise 12.1
- Class 6 Maths Ratio and Proportion Exercise 12.2
- Class 6 Maths Ratio and Proportion Exercise 12.3
- Ratio and Proportion Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 13 Symmetry
- Class 6 Maths Symmetry Exercise 13.1
- Class 6 Maths Symmetry Exercise 13.2
- Class 6 Maths Symmetry Exercise 13.3
- Symmetry Class 6 Extra Questions
Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.1
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.2
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.3
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.4
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.5
- Class 6 Maths Practical Geometry Exercise 14.6
- Practical Geometry Class 6 Extra Questions
Also Read
Ganit Prakash NCERT Maths Book Class 6 Solutions Pdf Free Download helps students develop not only basic arithmetic skills, but also the crucial capacities of logical reasoning, creative problem solving, and clear and precise communication (both oral and written). Ganit Prakash NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Maths Mathematical knowledge also plays a crucial role in understanding concepts in other school subjects, such as Science and Social Science, and even Art, Physical Education, and Vocational Education. Learning CBSE 6th Class Maths Textbook Solutions can also contribute to the development of capacities for making informed choices and decisions. Understanding numbers and quantitative arguments is necessary for effective and meaningful democratic and economic participation. Mathematics thus has an important role to play in achieving the overall Aims of School Education.
Mathematics at the Middle Stage is a major challenge and has to perform the dual role of being both close to the experience and environment of the child and being abstract. It must perform the dual role of developing intuition while also maintaining and emphasizing rigour. It must perform the dual role of enhancing critical and logical thinking while also developing artistry and creativity and a sense of elegance and aesthetics. Finally, 6th Maths NCERT Solutions must perform the dual role of providing students plenty of opportunities for exploration and discovery of concepts on their own while also teaching best-known methods in the global repertoire of mathematics.
The present Class 6 NCERT Maths Solutions has made an attempt to address the above-mentioned goals and challenges of learning mathematics. The Class 6 Ganita Prakash also provides numerous opportunities for student–student and student–teacher interaction in the classroom to promote active and experiential learning. A number of questions, puzzles, and interactive exercises are posed throughout the Class 6 Maths Ganita Prakash to encourage constant exploration. Many of the questions are open-ended to stimulate in-class discussion. Finally, some famous unsolved problems have also been included so that students can appreciate that Mathematics is still a very active subject, with much that is already known and discovered, but also many exciting frontiers that remain unknown and unseen. Such unknown realms and unresolved questions will require new ideas and a new generation of adventurers to explore and understand, and to thereby solve these exciting problems.
In all chapters, an attempt has been made to emphasise connections with other subjects including Art, History, and Science. Many pictures and drawings have been included to illustrate patterns, numbers, constructions, symmetry, games, puzzles, etc., to thereby develop visual and artistic imagination and intuition for mathematical objects and principles. The history of various mathematical concepts has been described, including Brahmagupta’s world-changing discoveries in the year 628 C.E. of the laws for addition and subtraction of fractions and of zero and negative numbers. Other discoveries from around the world, of unit fractions, searching for primes, Collatz Conjecture, Kaprekar numbers, etc., have also been described with their history to help students appreciate and humanize the joy and process of discovery. Examples from Science (e.g., the use of negative numbers to measure temperature or heights above or below sea level) also abound to illustrate the importance of the use of mathematical concepts in Science.
By weaving together storytelling and hands-on activities, we hope that an immersive learning experience will be created that ignites curiosity and fosters a love for mathematics. It is hoped that teachers would give children the opportunity to discuss, play, engage with each other, provide logical arguments for different ideas, and find loopholes in arguments presented. This is necessary for the learners to eventually develop the ability to understand what it means to prove something and also become confident about underlying concepts. The mathematics classroom should not expect a blind application of algorithms but should rather encourage children to find many different ways to solve problems.
As per the NEP 2020, Computational Thinking has also been gently introduced through puzzles, games, and interactive exercises that encourage such thinking. Indian rootedness has also been kept in mind while giving contexts for different concepts. The contributions of Indian mathematicians have been given as part of a problem-solving approach to make students aware of India’s rich mathematical heritage and its global contributions to mathematics.
The concepts and problems are related to daily life situations. An attempt has been made to use contexts and materials with which the students are familiar. The Class 6 Math Solution intends to address the learning needs of a diverse group of students in the classroom. We have tried to link concepts learnt in initial chapters with ideas in subsequent chapters to show the connectedness and unity of mathematics. We hope that teachers will use this as an opportunity to revise these concepts in a spiralling way so that children are able to appreciate the entire conceptual structure of mathematics. We hope that teachers may give more time to the ideas of fractions, negative numbers and other notions that are new to students. Many of these are the basis for further learning in mathematics.
Mathematics is an interesting subject. Unfortunately, many students find it difficult. But that’s not because Mathematics is really a difficult subject. Students find it difficult because most of them do not have their basics clear for the subject. Lack of sufficient practice tool is a reason why solving Mathematical problems seems a tough nut to crack.
Unlike other subjects, rote learning cannot help you to excel this subject. Even for other subjects, rote learning is not recommended as it won’t be of much use after a point of time. And Mathematics, from the very beginning, needs one to think logically. But just because the subject needs logical thinking and analytical skills does not mean it is tough. Mathematics needs practice and with practice, anything can be perfected, even the way you think and analyze.
So, it is of utmost importance to take Mathematics seriously right from your early school life. Getting your basics clear at this point will make it easier for you to handle difficult concepts as you grow older.
Mathematics of Class 6, 7 and 8 standard play a vital role in strengthening the fundamentals of the subject. It is at this point, Mathematics goes beyond simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and move onto more complex concepts. So, one must prepare for this subject in a serious manner and get all their doubts clear. Otherwise, they won’t be able to cope with the subject later, especially if they are planning to take up Science in their Higher Secondary level.
Clear your doubt then and there. This will help you not only to secure good marks in your Class 6 final exams, but also in other competitive exams that are conducted for students of Class 6. As you go to higher classes, it will help you to crack competitive scholarship exams, like NTSE, as well. So, make the best use of these solutions.
Remember, at this point, you cannot afford to skip any chapter even if it is not so important from the exam point of view. At this point, all the chapters are equally important so that your command over the subject gets really good. So, as you solve questions from your Ganita Prakash Class 6 NCERT Book, go through the NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Maths Ganit Prakash here every time you face any difficulty with any question. Do not skip it for later.