NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 14 How Big? How Heavy? NCERT Textbook Page 188 Your Measuring Glass 1.Now make a guess. Do you think the volume of 10 five-rupee coins will be more than that of 10 marbles? Guess the volume of each of these: Ans. A ball is nearly 2 marbles. An eraser is nearly 2 marbles. A lemon is nearly 3 marbles. A pencil is nearly 2 … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 13 Ways To Multiply And Divide
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 13 Ways To Multiply And Divide NCERT Textbook Page 170 Maniratnam—The Cashier Maniratnam is the cashier of king Jayan. His job is to find out the salary of all the people who work for the king. This chart shows how much salary each person gets in a day. Maniratnam wanted to calculate the salary of the cook for the month of … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 12 Smart Charts
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 12 Smart Charts NCERT Textbook Page 159 Chi-Chi, Meow-Meow Yamini did a project ‘Animals and Birds’. She asked each child of her class about one favourite pet animal.She used tally marks to record each answer. For example if someone said ‘cat’ she means 5 cats.In all 24 children said ‘cat’ was their favourite animal. Help Yamini … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 11 Area and Its Boundary
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 11 Area and Its Boundary NCERT Textbook Page 146 Whose Slice is Bigger? Parth and Gini bought aam paapad (dried mango slice) from a shop. Their pieces looked like these.Both could not make out whose piece was bigger. 1.Suggest some ways to find out whose piece is bigger. Discuss. Ans. To decide whose piece is bigger following … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Tenths And Hundredths
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Tenths And Hundredths NCERT Textbook Page 134 1.What was the length of the smallest pencil you have used? Ans. The length of the smallest pencil which I used was 5 cm. 2.How long is this pencil? Guess ------------cm. Measure it using a scale. How good is your guess? Ans.I guess it is 3.5 cm long. On measuring, it turned … [Read more...]