Students can use Maths Mela Class 3 Solutions Chapter 13 Time Goes On Question Answer to explore alternative problem-solving methods.
Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Time Goes On Question Answer Solutions
Time Goes On Class 3 Maths Question Answer
Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Solutions
Appa bought a new calendar,
Amma points a big blunder.
Missing was the month of July,
I wonder, where did it fly?
Don’t worry, don’t worry,
I have a solution to your query.
July and January looks the same,
Let us play the calendar game.
Let us Do
Make the calendar for the month of July 2024.
• Observe the July month and complete the following.
Question 1.
Number of Sundays _______
Number of Sundays 4.
Question 2.
Write the dates in this month that are Thursdays _______
The dates in this month that are Thursdays – 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Question 3.
Three days after July 22 is July ______.
The day on this date is ______
Three days after July 22 is July 25.
The day on this date is Thursday.
Question 4.
A school closes on July 7 for 15 days. The date on which the school will open is ________
A school closes on July 7 for 15 days. The date on which the school will open is 22.
Let us Explore
Collect calendars for the last two years. Observe the following in both the calendars:
Question 1.
What is the same? What is changing in the years?
Tick (✓) the correct answer.
(a) Names of the months Same/ Changes
(b) Days in a month Same/ Changes
(c) Days in a week Same/ Changes
(d) Number of Sundays Same/ Changes
(e) Number of weeks in a year Same/ Changes
(a) Same (✓)
(b) Same (✓)
(c) Same (✓)
(d) Changes (✓)
(e) Same (✓)
Circle the festivals that fall on the same date.
Let us Do
Question 1.
Write the names of the 12 months in a year.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Question 2.
Months that have less than 30 days ______
Months that have less than 30 days is February.
Question 3.
Number of days in a year ______
Number of days in a year 365.
Question 4.
Hetal says there are 53 weeks in a year. Is she right? Yes/No. If not, how many weeks did you find in a year?
No. We find 52 weeks in a year.
Age Fun
Talk to your mother and find the following.
Hetal is twice as old as her brother. She is also 10 years older than her brother. Guess the age of Hetal and her brother.
Hetal is 20 years old and her brother is 10 years old.
Let us Do
Look at the birth certificate of Bincy and answer the following question.
Question 1.
2/5/2015 shows that Bincy was born on 2 (April/May/ June/July) in the year 2015.
2/5/2015 shows that Bincy was born on 2 (April/May/ June/July) in the year 2015.
Question 2.
How old will Bincy be on 2 May 2025? ______
Bincy will be 10 years old on 2 May 2025.
Question 3.
How old will she be in 2030? ______
She will be 15 years old in 2030.
Question 4.
Eighth Birthday of Bincy was on ____.
Eighth Birthday of Bincy was on 02/05/2023.
Question 5.
Bincy was ____ months old on 2 August 2015.
Bincy was 3 months old on 2 August 2015.
Question 6.
After how many days of her birth was the certificate issued? ____
After 16 days of her birth the certificate was issued.
Let us Do
Question 1.
Make your own birth certificate.
Do yourself.
Question 2.
Complete the following by writing the dates in the boxes given below:
Do yourself.
Let us Play
Get a working analog clock or watch. Observe the face of the clock and movements of the hands. Discuss what you observe.
Let us Do
Question 1.
Hetal started her breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning. She finished her breakfast at 07:15 in the morning.
(a) 07:00
(b) 07:15
She took _____ minutes to eat her breakfast. How do you know?
She took 15 minutes to eat her breakfast. We know that by seeing the minute and hour hand of the clock.
Question 2.
Draw the hour hand and minute hand on the clock to show the following:
(a) 8 : 15 or quarter past 8
(a) 8 : 15 or quarter past 8
(b) 8:30 or half past 8
8:30 or half past 8
Let us Do
A Day in the life of Hetal.
• Match the activity with the statement shown in the picture.
Write the time and draw the minute hand and the hour hand wherever it is required.
Visit to Nani’s House (Grandma’s House)
Let us Think
Fill the table by writing events or activities from your daily life that can take the following durations of time. One is written as an example in each column.
Question 3.
Write the number of minutes taken for the following activities.
Question 4.
Write down what you can do in the time frame given below.
Question 5.
Write the number of minutes passed by looking at the movement of the minute and hour hands.
Let us Explore
You may have seen digital watches or clocks at various places. Where have you seen them?
Question 1.
What is the difference between the above two clocks?
Clock 1 is digital clock and the second clock 2 is analog clock.
Question 2.
Which clock do you have on your school wall?
I have Analog clock on my school wall.
Duration of time is also measured using sand clocks. Make your own sand clock (timer), in the presence of an adult.
Material required:
(i) Two waste transparent or glass bottles of small size with caps.
(ii) Strong glue to join bottle caps.
Join the tops of the bottle caps with each other using a strong glue.
Make a small hole with a fine needle at the centre of the joined caps.
Fill one of the bottles half way with fine sand and close the bottle with the joined caps.
Attach the second bottle on the other side of the joined caps.
Find out how much time it takes to shift the sand from one bottle to the second one by looking at the clock. Your sand clock is ready for use. You may use it to time while playing different games.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Mathematics Chapter 13 Smart Charts!
Flowers of Different Colours
1.Have you ever been to a park?
Ans. Yes, I have been to a park.
2.What coloured flowers did you see?
Ans. I saw flowers of different colours like yellow, blue, red, orange and purple etc.
3.Were most of the flowers yellow in colour?
Ans. Yes.
What do We See on the Road?
1.Look at the traffic scene in the picture and fill in the table.
Answer the following questions:
(а)In the picture which way of travel do you see the most?
Ans. Bus.
(b)Which way of travel (vehicle) do you see the least?
Ans. Bullock-cart.
(c)The number of people walking is more than the number of ———–
Ans. Scooters.
(d)The number of buses is less than the number of————
Ans. People walking.
How Many Times do You Get 6?
1.Have you played any games with dice?
Ans. Yes, I have played many games with dice?
2.How many dots are there on the different faces of a dice?
Ans. There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 dots on the different faces of a dice.
•Throw a die.
•Look at the number of dots you get on the face of your die.
•For each throw draw a mark / in front of that number in the table.
•Throw the die 30 times and mark in the table each time. For example,
(a)Which face of the die did you get the most number of times?
Ans. 2
Ans. Six .times.
Ans. No.
Getting Smart with Charts
This board shows the number of students in each class. It also shows the number of students present and absent.
1.How many children in gill are there in the school?
Ans. 121.
2.How many children in all are absent on that day?
Ans. 12.
In the chart show the absent students of class V.
Now look at the chart and fill in the blanks:
(а)The class with the highest number of absent students is IV.
(b)The class with the least number of absent students is II.
(c)The class with 3 students absent is III.
(d)The number of students absent in class IV and class V are 4 and 2.
Practice Time
Make your own smart charts about things around you.
1.Which bird has the most colours?
Ans. The table clearly shows that the peacock has the most colours
2.Which is the animal liked most as a pet?
Ans. This table clearly shows that dog is the animal which is liked most as a pet.