Class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Worksheet Time Goes On Time Goes On Class 3 Maths Worksheet Let's Revise Time: Time is like a way to measure how long things take or when they happen. Time is divided into hours, minutes and seconds. We use clocks and watches to tell time. Age: Age is how many years someone has been alive. AGE INFOGRAPHIC Amazing facts: A normal … [Read more...]
The Surajkund Fair Class 3 Worksheet with Answers Maths Chapter 14
Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 Worksheet The Surajkund Fair The Surajkund Fair Class 3 Maths Worksheet Let's Revise Symmetrical: Symmetrical means something is the same on both sides, like a mirror image. If you draw a line down the middle, both sides look alike. Rangometry shapes: Rangometry shapes are patterns or ' designs created using rangoli, which is a traditional … [Read more...]
Give and Take Class 3 Worksheet with Answers Maths Chapter 12
Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 Worksheet Give and Take Give and Take Class 3 Maths Worksheet Let's Revise Addition: Addition is like putting things together to find out how many there are in total. For example, if you have 2 apples and you get 3 more, you can add them together to find out that you now have 5 apples in total. To add two different numbers, keep both of them in … [Read more...]
House of Hundreds 2 Class 3 Worksheet with Answers Maths Chapter 9
Class 3 Maths Chapter 9 Worksheet House of Hundreds 2 House of Hundreds 2 Class 3 Maths Worksheet Let's Revise Ones: Ones are individual things. For example, if you have 3 apples, the "ones" are the 3 individual apples. Tens: Tens are groups of ten ones. For example, if you have 30 apples, you have 3 groups of ten. Hundreds: Hundreds are even bigger groups. … [Read more...]
Fair Share Class 3 Worksheet with Answers Maths Chapter 8
Class 3 Maths Chapter 8 Worksheet Fair Share Fair Share Class 3 Maths Worksheet Let's Revise Half: "Half" in sharing means making sure everyone gets the same amount when you divide something into two parts. Sharing Whole: ''Whole” means giving or dividing something entirely or completely among the people involved. Double: ''Double" means giving or receiving twice as … [Read more...]