NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb The Rebel (Poem) Page No: 34 Working with the Poem Question 1: Answer the following questions. If someone doesn't wear a uniform to school, what do you think the teacher will say? When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel Want most? If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what i everyone else likely to … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb The Shed (Poem)
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb The Shed (Poem) Page No: 49 A Working with the Poem Question 1: Answer the following questions. Who is the speaker in the poem? Is she/he afraid or curious or both? What is she/he planning to do soon? “But not just yet...” suggests doubt, fear, hesitation, laziness or something else. Choose the word which … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb The Squirrel (Poem)
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb The Squirrel (Poem) Page No: 49 A Working with the Poem Question 1: Why does the poet say the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail”? Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail? Solution: The poet said that the squirrel “wore a question mark for a tail” because … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Trees (Poem)
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Trees (Poem) Page No: 84 A Working with the Poem Question 1: What are the games or human activities which use trees, or in which trees also "participate'? Solution : Children use trees for their games. They make tree houses and play "hide and seek' behind the trees. Trees play an important role also while adults are … [Read more...]
NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English Chapter 7 The Invention of Vita Wonk
NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English Chapter 7 The Invention of Vita Wonk Comprehension Check Question 1: Choose the right answer. Mr Willy Wonka is (a) a cook (b) an inventor (c) a manager Wonka-Vite makes people (a) older (b) younger Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing which will make people (a) younger (b) older Solution: (b) an … [Read more...]