Balance of Payment - CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics Introduction This chapter gives a detailed account of balance of payment of an economy, it structure and categorisation into current and capital account. Thereafter explaining balance of trade and its differences with the balance of payment, autonomous items, accommodating items and their differences, … [Read more...]
Government Budget and the Economy – CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics
Government Budget and the Economy - CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics Introduction This is a descriptive chapter on government budget of Indian economy, wherein its objectives, importance, types, components, budget deficits and its types (Revenue, Fiscal, Primary Deficit) and their implications are studied. Chapter at a Glance Government Budget And Its Related … [Read more...]
Foreign Exchange Rate – CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics
Foreign Exchange Rate - CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics CBSE NotesCBSE Notes Macro EconomicsNCERT Solutions Macro Economics Introduction This chapter defines the meaning of foreign exchange and related terms, how foreign exchange rate is determined, study of foreign exchange rate regimes (fixed and flexible exchange rate) and their differences; thereafter hybrid … [Read more...]
Excess Demand and Deficient Demand – CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics
Excess Demand and Deficient Demand - CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics CBSE NotesCBSE Notes Macro EconomicsNCERT Solutions Macro Economics Introduction An illustration of meaning, diagram, reasons, impacts and measures to control excess demand (inflationary gap) and deficient demand (deflationary gap); basic definitions of full employment, over full employment, … [Read more...]
Money – CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics
Money - CBSE Notes for Class 12 Macro Economics CBSE NotesCBSE Notes Macro EconomicsNCERT Solutions Macro Economics Introduction: This chapter is a detailed version of barter system and its difficulties, how money has overcome its drawbacks, money supply and its measures. Barter System And Its Difficulties, Money And Functions Of Money: 1. Barter system of exchange is … [Read more...]