Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 English Solved 2016-17 Set 4
SECTION – A : READING (20 marks)
Q. 1. Read the following passage carefully: (8 marks)
Within six months of because a graduate Chandran began to receive suggestion from relatives and elderly friends of the family as to what he should do with himself. Till this time it had never occurred to him that he ought to be doing any thing at all. But now, wherever he went, he was pestered with the question,” Now what do you propose to do ?” “I have not thought of anything yet.”
“Why don’t you go to Madras and study law ?”
There was his uncle in Nellore who wrote to him that he ought to do something and try to settle in life. There was his mother’s cousin who advised him to study law. There was his Madras uncle who said that staying in Malgudi would not lead him anywhere, but that he ought to go to a big city and see people. He had an immense faith in seeing people. He himself volunteered to give a letter of intr’oduction to some big man, an auditor in the railways, who in his turn give a further introduction to someone else, and finally fix up Chandran in the railways. This uncle seemed to live in an endless dream of introductory letters. Several relatives, chiefly women, asked him why he did not sit for the Indian Civil Service or the Indian Audit Service examinations.
Chandran felt flattered by their faith in him. There were others who said that there was nothing like a business occupation; start on a small capital and open a shop; independence and profit. All sorts of persons advised him to apply for a clerk’s post in some government office. Nothing like Government service, they said; on the first of the month you were sure of your money; security. Chandran had a feeling of persecution. He opened his heart to his father when the latter was trimming the roses early one morning.
“I am sorry, Father, that I ever passed the B.A.”
“Why should everybody talk about my career ? Why can’t they mind their own business ?” “It is the way of the world. You must not let that upset. It is just of courtesy, you see.” Then they began to talk of Chandran’s future. His father gathered that Chandran
had a vague desire to go to England and do something there. He did not consider the plan absurd himself. “What do you propose to do in England ?”
“I want to get a doctorate or something and come back, and then some quiet lectureship in some college will suit me wonderfully. Plenty of independence and leisure.” After that Chandran went about with a free mind. To his persecutors he would say: “I am going to England next year.” Some demanded why he was not starting immediately. Chandran told them: “We can’t go to England on an impulse, can we ?”
Answer the following questions as directed :
1. Fill each of the blanks with one word only: (4 marks)
Chandran was fed up (a) …………..his kith and kin who gave him (b)…………..advise as to
what he should do after his graduation. Chandran wondered why everybody talked about his
(c) ……………He solved this problem by telling them that he was going to England for his
(d) …………… .
2. Answer the following questions briefly:
(a) Why was Chandran upset ? (2 marks)
(b) Why was Chandran interested in lectureship after completing his doctorate ?
3. Give words from the passage which mean the same as the following: (2 marks)
(a) harassed
(b) ill-treatment
Q. 2. Read the passage given below carefully: (12 marks)
It is no small honour to be asked to address the Convocation of a University in India, and certainly it is a unique experience for me, at any rate, to be called upon to address a University Convocation at one place the second time.
I know poverty and misery and I quite appreciate by personal experience what it is to be poor, what it is to have no clothes, what it is to have no books, what it is to struggle through life, what it is to walk through the streets without an umbrella, without conveyance along miles in dusty roads. I have been through it all and I can understand the difficulties that most of you graduates have to face up today. I am speaking from a long experience of 60 years. Please do not imagine that all the 60 years were milk and roses. To be able to accomplish something I want to tell you that you have to go through such an experience.
I admit, success in life is not always to the intelligent or the strong and it is to some extent a bit of a gamble, but nonetheless those who have got their minds right and those who know their job sooner or later, will make their own way in life. But they should not be disappointed if they do not, they have to face up life and take it as they find it. This is the kind of philosophy that I have learnt by experience, and I make a free gift of it to you all.
What I say is this that the great things in life are not really great things in life. The Nobel Prize, the 1 ERS and the like, many of them leave a bitter taste in the mouth. What I love is to enjoy the common things of life. I am happy that I am still able to sleep at night provided I have a three mile walk in the evening. I am still able to enjoy a good lunch or good dinner. I am still able to look at the blue sky and like it. I still like to walk in the open fields and like the smell of the Rabi or the Jowar. I feel a younger man when I see the Babul flowers and say God has given us these wonderful things. This is the real philosophy of life to appreciate what we see around us.
We think that happiness consists in going to pictures and seeing thrilling films and techni-colour dramas. Not at all, the great things in life are the God-given things which cost nothing. What you need is the desire to appreciate them. If you have your minds and hearts open, you have things around you which give you joy. There is the butterfly jumping about in flourishing colours on all sides. Look at these wonderful things that God has given us for our enjoyment.
We have to love nature and appreciate nature and appreciate her wonderful gifts, her marvellous ingenuity, her resourcefulness, her infinite variety. It is the same thing that has inspired me all through out my life. An extract from the convocation address ofC.V. Raman, delivered at the Agra University on 18 November 1950
(A) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions briefly: (2×4 = 8 marks)
(i) What were the main difficulties faced by C. V. Raman in his childhood ? (2)
(ii) Why has life been termed as a gamble ? (2)
(iii) How can one attain success in life according to C. V. Raman ? (2)
(iv) Which common things did C. V. Raman enjoy in life ? (2)
(B) (i) Which word in para 2 is the same as ‘despair’ ? (1) (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(ii) Which word in the last para means the same as ‘endless’ ? (1)
(iii) Which of the following words from para 3 mean the opposite of ‘deny’ ? (1)
(iv) Which word is the same in meaning as ‘exciting’ ? (1)
Q. 3. On the occasion of World Health Day, write an article in about 150 words for the school newsletter on the topic, ‘Importance of Physical Health in Our Lives’, using the clues given below. (5 marks)
• Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
• Lack of time for physical activity because of the demands of modem lives.
• Ignoring the health increases the risk of many diseases.
• Discipline is the key to resolving these concerns. . . .
Q. 4. Write a story in 150-200 words beginning with the following line and give it a suitable title.
Night before the zonal debate competition…. Everyone was fast asleep, while I was practicing … suddenly. (10 marks)
Q. 5. Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate word/phrases from the given options. (3 marks)
What we call life is a very complex affair. It is not simply eating, reproducing and finally dying.
Every creature (a) ……….these. Man has to lead a highly complicated life. It is like (b)……….
through a maze and coming out. He is an economic being and a social animal. He has to earn,
make a home, look after his people and attend (c)…………his obligations to the society and the
Government. So, in order to be successful he has to develop certain qualities.
(i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | |
(a) | Is doing | will do | does | do |
(b) | gone | going | went | making |
(0 | For | into | all | to |
Q. 6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number. (4 marks)
Error Correction
Madhubani Painting is one in the many traditional (a) ………………. ……………….
Indian art forms. It is but known as Mithila or Godhna (b) ………………. ……………….
Paintings. This art developed by Mithila or Madhubani district (c) ………………. ……………….
of Bihar or then spread to villages around Madhubani (d) …………,…… ……………….
Q. 7. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows : (3 marks)
Principal : Why were you absent last week ?
Student : I was absent because I was not feeling well.
Principal : What will happen to your studies now ?
Student : I will work hard to complete them.
The Principal asked the student (a) ………….The student replied (b) …………… . The Principal
was concerned and asked (c)…………The student replied that he would study hard to complete them.
Q. 8. Read the given extracts and answer briefly the questions that follow: (1×3 = 3 marks)
‘Are we pinching it before Aunt Elizabeth comes ?’
(a) Who is asking this question and to whom ? (1)
(b) What has happened before this incident ? (1)
(c) What reaction of the speaker is evident from the given lines ? (1)
“Other creatures loathed his voice But, alas, they had no choice And the crass-cacophony Blared out from the sumac tree.”
(a) Whose voice was loathed ? (1)
(b) Why did they have no choice ? (1)
(c) ‘Crass-Cacophony’ means……………….. (1)
Q. 9. Answer the following in 30-40 words : (2×4 = 8 marks)
(a) Why did Ali visit the post-office daily ? (2)
(b) Justify the title ‘The Dear Departed’. (2)
(c) Why did Mrs. Packletide give up big-game shooting ? (2)
(d) Although Nicola and Jacopo are young boys, the author refers to them as Gentleman. Why did he do so ? (2)
Q. 10. Answer any one of the following questions in 80-100 words : (4 marks)
You are Victoria and you are really angry and disturbed at the way your parents, uncle and aunt have behaved with your grandfather. Express your thoughts and feelings about the value of the love of grandparents in a person’s life in the form of a diary entry in about 150 words.
You were extremely impressed to read the poem ‘Not Marble, Nor the Gilded Monuments’. Write a letter to a friend telling her about the poem and your new found interest in poetry. Sign yourself as Amit/Amita of 39, D-Block, Model Town, Delhi.
Attempt any one question from 11(a) or 11(b) in about 150 words :
The Story of My Life
Q. 11. (a) Why did Helen call her pony ‘Black Beauty’ ? (10 marks)
(a) Write a pen-portrait of Hellen Keller ?
The Diary of a Young Girl
Q. 11. (b) In what ways, do Anne’s description of life in the secret Annexe around the end of 1943, differ from the earlier entries ? (10 marks)
(b) Who was Hanneli ?
CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers SA1 Solved English 2016-17 Set 4 (Question Paper Download PDF)
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