During your math calculations, you might need quick conversions between Percentage to Fractions. Then take the help of the Procedure to Convert Percentage to Fraction over here and make your job easy. Know How to Convert a Percent into Fraction by going through the entire procedure listed. Refer to the Solved Examples and learn how to approach them while performing related calculations.
How to Convert a Percent to Fraction?
Follow the below-listed guidelines to change between Percentage to Fraction instantaneously. They are in the following fashion
- Firstly obtain the given percentage and divide it by 100.
- Use the number obtained as the numerator of the fraction and place 1 in the denominator of the fraction.
- If the resultant obtained is a decimal value change it to a whole number. Count the number of places to the right of the decimal and multiply both numerator and denominator with 10x.
- Reduce the Fraction to its Lowest Form by dividing both the numerator and denominator with their GCF.
- Simplify the fraction obtained to a mixed number if required.
Solved Examples on Percent to Fraction Conversion
1. Express the following percentage into Fraction and reduce the fraction to its lowest terms?
(i) 14 % (ii) 125% (iii) 2%
(i) 14 % = 14/100 = 7/50
(ii) 125% = 125/100 = 5/4
(iii) 2% = 2/100 = 1/50
2. Convert the following percentages to Fraction and reduce to the lowest forms?
(i) 62.5%
62.5% = 62.5/100 = 0.625 = 0.625/1
Since the obtained value is a decimal check the number of decimal values to the right and multiply with the 10 raised to that power to make it a whole number.
In 0.625 no. of decimal places = 3
multiply both the numerator and denominator with 103
0.625/1 = (0.625*103)/(1*103)
= 625/1000
Reduce the obtained fraction to the lowest form by simply dividing both the numerator and denominator with the GCF.
625/1000 = (625÷125)/(1000÷125) = 5/8
3. Convert the following percentages to fraction and reduce to the lowest form?
(i) 25 % (ii) 52 % (iii) 40%
(i) 25 % = 25/100 = 5/20
(ii) 52 % = 52/100 = 26/50
(iii) 40% = 40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5
4. Convert 13% to Fraction?
Firstly place the percentage value over 100
= 13/100
Since the numerator is a whole number you can proceed further.
As the fraction can’t be reduced further and has no common divisors that itself is the required fraction value.
5. Convert 12.5% to fraction?
Given Percentage = 12.5%
Firstly place the percentage value over 100 i.e. 12.5/100 = 0.125
Place the value obtained as a numerator with a denominator 1 in the fraction i.e. 0.125/1
Since the numerator is a decimal value change it to a whole number.
No. of decimal places to the right of decimal value is 3. Multiply both the numerator and denominator with 103
= (0.125*103)/(1*103)
= 125/1000
Reduce the obtained fraction to the lowest form by simply dividing both the numerator and denominator with the GCF.
= (125÷125)/(1000÷125)
= 1/8
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