NTSE Jammu and Kashmir 2019-20: Jammu and Kashmir Board of Secondary Education (JKBOSE) will conduct NTSE J and K Stage 1. NTSE J&K will be conducted on 17th November 2019. The application process will start in the first week of August 2019. Class 10th regular students can apply for NTSE J&K till the last week of September 2019. Candidates who submit the application on or before the due date will be able to get the admit card. The admit card can be collected from the schools in the last week of October 2019. The NTSE J&K shortlisted candidates are only invited to appear for the Stage 2 exam to be held on May 2020. The final merit list will be prepared and published on the official website of NCERT.
NCERT offers scholarships every year to deserving candidates until the doctorate level of their studies. Candidates should read the complete article to know information related to NTSE J&K 2019-20. Information including exam dates, application, eligibility, pattern, and syllabus, etc.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Exam Dates
Events | Dates |
Starting of Application | First Week of August 2019 |
Closing of Application | Last Week of September 2019 |
Admit Card for Stage 1 | Last Week of October 2019 |
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Stage 1 | November 17, 2019 |
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Answer Key | Third Week of November 2019 |
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Stage 1 Result | First Week of February 2020 |
NTSE Admit Card for Stage 2 | April 2020 |
NTSE Stage 2 | May 10, 2020 |
NTSE Stage 2 Result | September 2020 |
State-level National Talent Search Exam
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Eligibility Criteria
The following are the eligibility conditions to appear for NTSE J&K 2019-20.
- Candidates from any recognized schools of J&K including Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sainik School or any Top Schools are eligible.
- Age limit for NTSE J&K must be less than 18 years as on 1st July 2019.
- Reserved category candidates must secure at least 40% marks in 9th class.
- General category candidates must secure at least 55% marks in 9th class.
- Candidates of open schooling or distance learning within the age limit can appear NTSE J&K.
- Jammu and Kashmir candidates who are employed in any job are not eligible.
- NMMS Scholarship holders could also be eligible for NTSE Jammu and Kashmir.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Application Form
NTSE J&K application form will be released on the official website of JKBOSE in the first week of August 2019. Candidates can collect an application from the school authorities or the state liaison officer. J and K students can fill and submit the application until the last week of September 2019. Candidates can check the below-mentioned steps to apply for the NTSE J&K 2019-20.
- Candidates should visit the official website jkbose.ac.in.
- Click on the online application link to download the application.
- Fill all the required details properly. Recheck the filled details thoroughly to avoid rejection of the application.
- Two passport size photos and mark sheet copies of 9th standard must be included.
- Reserved category candidates can attach a photocopy of the Caste Certificate if required.
- Physically Challenged candidates can attach a photocopy of the Disability Certificate if required.
- Attach the Pay in slip in the state liaison officer name and get the form attested from the Principal.
- Submit the filled application along with the required documents to your school Principal.
- Then the application will be further submitted to the state liaison officer on or before the due date.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Application Fee
Candidates make sure to pay the application fee of Rs. 110/- in favor of the state liaison officer, Jammu and Kashmir.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Admit Card
Candidates must collect the admit card from their school authorities in the last week of October 2019. Admit card contains the candidate name, roll number and exam center details. Mobile phones or any other instruments are not allowed in the exam. Candidate must bring the admit card on the exam day. Without admit card candidates will not be entered into the examination hall.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Question Pattern
The NTSE J&K stage 1 contains two parts i.e, Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Ability Test (SAT). The NTSE J&K pattern contains exam details, number of questions asked and the duration of each paper. Each paper consists of 100 multiple choice and objective type of questions. Refer to the table below to know the details of the exam pattern for NTSE Jammu and Kashmir
Papers | Number of questions | Type of Question | Duration |
Mental Ability Test (MAT) | 100 | Multiple choice and objective type | 120 minutes |
Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) | 100 | Multiple choice and objective type | 120 minutes |
- Each right answer carries 1 mark and no negative marking for wrong answers.
- The questions will be asked from the various topics of the 9th and 10th standard syllabus.
- MAT questions are asked to test the candidate’s ability in thinking and reasoning.
- MAT contains a total of 100 multiple and objective type questions with a duration of 120 minutes.
- SAT questions are asked to test the candidate’s knowledge on each subject of their academics.
- SAT contains a total of 100 multiple and objective type questions with a duration of 120 minutes.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Answer Key
The official answer keys will not be released by JKBOSE. Some coaching institutes will release the answer keys in the third week of November 2019. Answer keys help the candidates to estimate the scores before the result declaration. So, candidates can find the answer keys from the websites of the coaching institutes. Refer to the below points to know more about the NTSE J&K answer keys:
- NTSE J&K answer keys will provide the answers to all questions asked in each paper.
- Candidates must check the answer keys to get an idea of eligibility for NTSE Stage 2.
- Candidates should follow the correct approach for marking.
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Exam Result
NTSE J&K result will be released online in the first week of February 2020. JKBOSE will declare the result as a merit list of shortlisted candidates for the NTSE stage 2. The following points contain some information about the NTSE J&K Stage 1 results:
- Visit the official website of JKBOSE to check the result.
- Click on the result, enter roll number and date of birth and download the result sheet.
- In the result sheet, students can check their name, roll number, date of birth and marks obtained in each paper.
- Keep a photocopy of the result sheet for future reference.
Details Mentioned on NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Result
Candidates can check the result on the official website of JKBOSE. The NTSE J&K result sheet contains the following information of the candidates.
- Candidates Name, School and Roll number
- Candidates gender, category, date of birth and disability status
- Candidates Rank and Total marks
- Candidates section-wise scores
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Cut-off
The minimum scores a candidate required to qualify for the NTSE stage 2 exam is the cut-off. Candidates can expect the cut-off to be declared after one week of the result announcement. NTSE J&K cut-off will be announced along with the result by JKBOSE on February 2020. The below mentioned are the various factors of cut-off
- Total number of students from each category
- Previous year’s cut-off
- The difficulty level of the exam pattern
- Highest marks obtained by candidates
- Lowest marks obtained by candidates
The following table shows the previous year’s category-wise cut-off to get an idea of trends.
Category | Cut-Off (2016-17) |
SC | 103 |
ST | 109 |
General | 112 |
The following table shows the cut-off percentage for NTSE J&K category candidates
Categories | MAT | SAT |
General | 40% | 40% |
SC | 32% | 32% |
ST | 32% | 32% |
PH | 32% | 32% |
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Criteria
Total 64 scholarships are reserved for Jammu and Kashmir state. These scholarships will be awarded as mentioned below:
Category | Reservation Criteria |
SC | 15% |
ST | 7.5% |
PH | 4% |
OBC | 27% |
NTSE Jammu and Kashmir Stage 1 Syllabus
After submitting the application candidates must concentrate on the preparation of the examination. Since there is no particular syllabus for the NTSE Jammu and Kashmir. So, candidates have to prepare from the syllabus of class IX and X to clear the J&K Stage 1 exam. The below-given table shows some important topics for NTSE J&K Stage 1 2019-20.
Papers | Subjects | Syllabus |
SAT | Math | Algebraic Expression, Surface Area and Volume, Simple and Compound Interest, Quadratic Equation, Arithmetic Progression, Square Roots and Cube Roots, Percentage, etc |
Science | Source of Energy, Human Body, Acid, Bases and Salt, Metals and non-metals, Food Production and Management, Motion and Force, Fibers and Plastics, Structure of an Atom and Measurements, etc. | |
Social Sciences | Indian Constitution, The Mughal Empire, New Empires and Kingdoms, Delhi Sultanate, Industrial Revolution, Early Medieval Period, Resources and Development, British Raj, Democracy and Elections, Atmosphere, The Judiciary, Map and Globe, Natural Vegetation and Solar System, etc. | |
MAT | Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning | Mirror and Water Images, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Distance and Direction, Word Problems, Calendar, Time and Clock, Ranking and Arrangements, etc. |
NTSE Scholarships Amount 2019-20
The HRD Ministry, Government of India has sponsored the NTSE scholarship 2019-20. Jammu and Kashmir candidates have to qualify in both the stages of NTSE. Then only they can be awarded the scholarship amount every month. NTSE deserving candidates only can avail approximately 2000 scholarships offered by NCERT.
Education Level | Scholarship Amount |
Class XI to XII | Rs. 1250/- |
Undergraduate | Rs. 2000/- |
Postgraduate | Rs. 2000/- |
Ph.D. | According to the UGC norms |
Hope this article will help you to get more information about NTSE Jammu and Kashmir 2019-20. Don’t forget to add your comment for any information/queries.