National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was established in 1961 in the backdrop of a school system struggling to disengage from its elitist colonial past and create a common programme of school education that was universally accessible and reflected the pluralist character of India.
NCERT Solutions
At, we have provided chapter wise detailed solutions for the NCERT books. These NCERT Solutions are comprehensive and easy to understand. Step by Step solutions were given to NCERT Math Textbooks.
NCERT Objective:
- To undertake aid, promote and coordinate research in all branches of education
- To design and support a common system of education
- Create a curriculum framework for school education.
NCERT Books:
NCERT Books were result of wide consultations involving educationists, experts, teachers and educational administrators. NCERT designed NCERT Books that stressed the need for a healthy, enjoyable and stress-free childhood and reduction of the curricular load. Language and mathematics getting integrated in the first two years of schooling. The curriculum framework sought the participation of teachers in planning, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions
NCERT Exemplar Books have chapter-wise extra problems, which are very useful for CBSE students. They provide good practice material for children who are through with the prescribed NCERT books.
RD Sharma Solutions
We are also providing RD Sharma Solutions from class 6 to 12.
Learn More – CBSE Sample Papers
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is the full form of NCERT?
National Council of Educational Research and Training.
2. What is the full form of CBSE?
The Full form of CBSE is Central Board of Secondary Education.
3. What is difference between NCERT and CBSE?
- NCERT is the publisher or organization which publishes books for studying subjects in CBSE board.
- CBSE is the primary board or organization which conduct exams related to CBSE board and the subsequent CBSE board examinations.
4. What is NCERT and its functions?
The NCERT performs the important functions of conducting and supporting educational research and offering training in educational research methodology. NCERT also supports research programmes of other institutions/organizations by providing financial assistance and academic guidance.