We have compiled the Mridang Class 2 Solutions Chapter 7 This is My Town textbook exercises and questions comprehensively to help students practice and prepare for exams effectively.
Mridang Class 2 English Chapter 7 This is My Town Question Answer
This is My Town Question Answer Class 2
This is My Town Questions and Answers
Let us speak :
Question 1.
What do you see in the picture?
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
What is the name of your town/city?
Do it yourself.
Question 3.
What is the name of your street?
Do it yourself.
Let us write :
A. Form words with the sets of letters given in the circles below. Then frame a sentence using that word.
Let us write :
A. Write your home address :
Students, write your address below.
Let us listen :
A. Listen to your teacher. Your teacher will say one word from each column. Encircle the words you hear in each row.
Students, encircle the words with the help of your teacher.
Let us do
A. Read the poem again.
Question 1.
Count the number of times you see the letter ‘ e ‘ in it.
Write the number here. _______
Write the number here. ___39____
Question 2.
Next, count the number of times you see the letter ‘ u ‘ in it.
Write the number here. _______
Write the number here. ___39____
Question 3.
Which letter do you see more number of times?
Write the answer here. _______
Write the answer here. ___e____
B. Look at the two pictures given below. Can you spot the differences?
Do on your own.
Let us draw :
A. Look at the picture. Add whatever you think is needed to complete it.
Do it yourself.
Let us speak :
A. Listen to the words that your teacher will read out. Point to the object that represents the word.
Read out the given words with the help of your teacher.
Let us write :
A. Write ‘sh’ to fill in the blanks. Read the sentences aloud.
The sun is _ _ ining today. I am wearing T-shirt and _ _ orts. My father is wearing a new _ _ irt. My grandmother is folding a _ _ awl. My uncle is polishing his _ _ oes.
The sun is s h ining today. I am wearing T-shirt and s h orts. My father is wearing a new s h irt. My grandmother is folding a s h awl. My uncle is polishing his s h oes.
Mridang Class 2 English Chapter 7 This is My Town Summary
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 7 This is My Town Summary in English
In this poem, poet shows the readers his town. As you can see in the picture given in Textbook. Many things are shown about the town. So let’s read it.
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 7 This is My Town Summary in Hindi
इस कविता में कवि पाठकों को अपना शहर दिखाता है। जैसा कि आप किताब में दिए गए चित्र में देख सकते हैं, इसमें काफी चीजें दिखाई गई हैं। शहर में क्या-क्या होता है तो चलिए पढ़ते हैं।
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 7 This is My Town Word Meanings
Words | Meanings in English | Meanings in Hindi |
Train | Page 48 a type of transport that is pulled by engine along a railway line. | रेलगाड़ी |
Town | a place with many streets and buildings. | कस्बा |
Street | a road in a town. | गली |
House | a building that is made for people to live in. | रहने का मकान |
Flower | a coloured part of a plant. | फूल |
Basket | a container for carrying or holding something. | डलिया, टोकरी |
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 7 This is My Town Hindi Translation
This is my town.
In my town,
There are streets.
In my street,
there are houses.
In my house,
there are rooms.
In my room,
there is a bed.
On the bed,
there is a basket.
In the basket,
there are some flowers.
Flowers in a basket.
Basket on the bed.
Bed in the room.
Room in the house.
House in the street.
Street in the town.
यह मेरा शहर है।
मेरे शहर में
बहुत-सी गलियाँ हैं।
मेरी गलियों में
बहुत-से घर हैं।
मेरे घर में
बहुत-से कमरे हैं।
मेरे कमरे में
एक पलंग है।
उस पलंग पर
एक टोकरी है।
उस टोकरी में
बहुत-से फूल हैं।
फूल टोकरी में रखे हैं।
टोकरी पलंग पर रखी है।
पलंग कमरे में रखा है।
कमरा घर में है।
घर गली में है।
गली शहर में है।