We have compiled the Mridang Class 2 Solutions Chapter 10 The Crow textbook exercises and questions comprehensively to help students practice and prepare for exams effectively.
Mridang Class 2 English Chapter 10 The Crow Question Answer
The Crow Question Answer Class 2
The Crow Questions and Answers
Let us speak :
A. Which birds do you see around your house or near your school?
Do it yourself.
B. What do you like about the crow?
We like the black colour crow.
Let us write :
A. Can you identify the birds in the box? Write their names in the space provided.
Let us draw :
A. Draw your favourite bird in the box given below and write its name in the given blank.
My favourite bird is peacock.
Student draw its picture yourself.
Let us listen :
A. Close your eyes and listen to your teacher say the following words.
Listen and repeat the word as she says. You may clap for each syllable of the word.
Student do it yourself.
Let us write :
Read the words in Column A. Complete the word in Column B that rhymes with it.
Hint: The words in Column B should be the names of birds. One has been done for you.
A. Make the sentences using one word from each box. Write the sentences in the blanks given below.
- Today I will go to a village
- Today we will go to a school.
- Today Rajni will go to a park.
- Today she will go to a farm.
- Today Harish will go to a theatre.
Mridang Class 2 English Chapter 10 The Crow Summary
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 10 The Crow Summary in English
Children! Have you seen crow. His colour is black. So, we will learn about a crow today who wants to become beautiful by putting peacock wings on its body, but after seeing the crow has putten wings of peacock on its body. His mates told him that “Be you”. “Dont pretend to be others”.
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 10 The Crow Summary in Hindi
बच्चो! आपने कौआ तो देखा होगा। वह काले रंग का होता है। तो आज हम एक ऐसे कौए के बारे में पढ़ेंगे जो मोर के पंख लगाकर सुंदर दिखना चाहता है। परंतु उसके सभी साथी उसको कहते हैं कि आप जो हैं वैसा ही दिखो। दिखावा नहीं करना चाहिए।
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 10 The Crow Word Meanings
Words | Meanings in English | Meanings in Hindi |
Colourful | Pages 68-69 full of colours | रंगबिरंगा |
Feather | one of the long, light objects that cover a bird’s body | पंख |
Wings | one of the two parts that a bird uses for flying | पंख |
Picked | to choose somebody/something | चुनना |
Fool | a person who is silly | मूर्ख |
Love | a strong feeling that you have when you like someone/somebody | प्रेम, प्यार |
Beautiful | very pretty/attractive | सुंदर/आकर्षक |
Peacock | a large bird with beautiful long blue and green tail feather that it can lift up. | मोर |
Another | one more person or thing of same kind. | उसी प्रकार का दूसरा |
Mridang Class 2 Chapter 10 The Crow Hindi Translation
There once was a crow.
He was black, as you know.
How to be beautiful,
he wanted to know.
Colourful feathers,
he wanted to grow.
He found one peacock feather.
He stuck it in his tail.
Then he found another,
He picked up all without fail.
He stuck them in his wings,
Put one on his head.
I am now beautiful,
He danced and said.
The other crows laughed at him.
“Oh, what a fool you are!
You are beautiful in black.
We love you for what you are.”
एक बार एक कौआ था।
वह काला था, जैसा की आप जानते हो।
कैसे सुंदर बनुँ,
वह जानना चाहता था।
रंग-बिरंगे पंख,
वह उगाना चाहता था।
उसको मोर का पंख मिलता है।
उस पंख को वह अपनी पूँछ में लगा लेता है।
फिर उसको एक और पंख मिलता है।
वह सभी पंखों को एक-एक करके
उठा लेता है।
वह सभी पंखों को अपने पंखों में सजा
लेता है और मोर का एक पंख अपने
सर पर पहन लेता है और कहता है,
अब मैं सुंदर लग रहा हूँ। वह मोर की
तरह नाचने लगता है।
दूसरे कौए उस कौए को देखकर हँसने लगते
हैं और कहते हैं “कितने मूर्ख हो तुम!
तुम्हारी सुंदरता उस काले रंग में ही है।
हम सब तुम्हें तुम्हारी पहचान से ही
प्यार करते हैं।”