Changing from Fraction to Percentage involves relatively simple calculations and you can get the entire procedure here. Have a glance at the steps to convert fraction to percentage, formula, and solved examples in the further modules. Check out the example problems and understand how to convert any fraction to percentage easily in a matter of seconds.
Fraction to Percentage Formula
While converting from fraction to percentage having a formula can be quite handy. To help you in this we have come up with a simple formula.
p = n/d*100
Where n is the numerator, d is the denominator and p is the percentage. Simply the fraction and just multiply with 100 to obtain the percentage value in a matter of seconds.
How to Convert Fraction to Percentage?
To convert a fraction into a percentage follow the step by step procedure listed below. They are along the lines
- Divide the numerator with the denominator.
- Multiply the result obtained with 100.
- Place % symbol after the resultant product obtained.
- That is the required percentage value.
Examples on Fraction to Percentage Conversion
1. Express each of the following fractions as Percent
(i) 5/4 (ii) 2/3 (iii) 4/2 (iv) 1
(i) 5/4 = (5/4*100)% = 125%
(ii) 2/3 = (2/3*100)% = 66.66%
(iii) 4/2 = (4/2*100)% = 200%
(iv) 1 = (1*100) = 100%
2. Convert 5/20 into Percent?
= (5/20*100)%
= (1/4*100)%
= 25%
3. Express the following fraction in Percentage?
(i) 3/5 (ii) 52/5 (iii) 1 2/4
(i) 3/5 = (3/5*100)% = (3*20)% = 60%
(ii) 52/5 = (25/5*100)% = (5*100)% = 500%
(iii) 1 2/4 = (6/4*100)% = (6*25)% = 150%
4. Describe the following statements in percentage form
(i) 4 out of 24 fruits are bad (ii) 5 children in a Class of 50 are absent (iii) 12 guava out of 18 are good (iv) 12 teachers among 20 are present
(i) 4/24 fruits are bad
(4/24*100)% of fruits are bad
16.66% of fruits are bad.
(ii) 5 children in a Class of 50 are absent
= 5/50 children are absent
= (5/50*100)% children are absent
= 10% children are absent
(iii) 12 guava out of 18 are good
= 12/18 guava are good
= (12/18*100)% are good
= 66.66% are good
(iv) 12 teachers among 20 are present
= 12/20 teachers are present
= (12/20*100)% are present
=60% of teachers are present