Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science with Solutions Set 4 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Set 4 with Solutions
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions:
- All questions are compulsory.
- There are total 35 questions.
- Question paper is divided into three sections-A, B and C.
- Section A has question no. 1 to 18 (multiple choice questions) and are of 1 mark each. Question no. 14 to 18 are case based questions.
- Section B has question no.19 to 25 of 2 marks each and question no.26 to 29 of 3 marks each.
- Section C has question no.30 to 33 of 4 marks each and question no.34 and 35 are of 5 marks each.
- Internal choices are given in some questions.
- Support your answers with suitable examples wherever required.
Section A
Section A consists of 18 questions of 1 mark each
Question 1.
The concept of 8 hour a day or 40 hour a week originated in ……………… .(1)
(a) Britain
(b) America
(c) China
(d) Japan
(a) Britain
Question 2.
Kerala is famous for which of the following crafts? (1)
(a) Warli painting
(b) Bamboo craft
(c) Coconut craft
(d) Madhubani painting
(c) Coconut craft
Question 3.
What is the example of a chemical hazard and what are some potential risks associated with exposure to this hazard? (1)
(a) Feathers
(b) Pesticide residues
(c) Mice droppings
(d) Worms
(b) Pesticide residues
What are some common misconceptions about the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), system, and how can they be corrected? (1)
(a) It assures consistently good quality products.
(b) It is a preventive approach to ensure food safety.
(c) This is not essential for consumer protection and International food trade.
(d) It is enables to work in a cost-effective manner for assuring food safety.
(c) This is not essential for consumer protection and International food trade.
Question 4.
………………. is the presence of harmful substances in the food.
(a) Contamination
(b) Adulteration
(c) Food intoxication
(d) Food poisoning
(a) Contamination
Question 5.
Which of the following factor determines the food quality? (1)
I. Nutritional traits
II. Safety
III. Odour
IV. Taste
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and IV
(c) I, II, III and IV
(d) II, III and IV
(c) I, II, III and IV
Question 6.
FSSAI comes under which level of standard for food quality? (1)
(a) National Standard
(b) Company Standard
(c) Regional Standard
(d) International Standard
(a) National Standard
The deficiencies of which among the following are major public health concern?
(a) Iron
(b) Vitamin A
(c) Iodine
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 7.
Food Code is a document published by which International Organisation? (1)
(a) WTO
(b) ISO
(c) CAC
(d) EU
(c) CAC
Question 8.
A child between two and three years is known as …………….. . (1)
(a) infant
(b) pre-school child
(c) toddler
(d) kid
(c) toddler
Question 9.
‘The National Service Volunteer Scheme’ provides opportunities to students to involve themselves, on a whole time basis for a short period of one or two years, in programmes of national development. (1)
Following are the programmes undertaken by them.
I. Organising jamborees
II. Vocational training
III. Adult education
IV. Coastal sailing
(a) I and II
(b) II and IV
(c) III and IV
(d) I and IV
(d) I and IV
Question 10.
Match the following. (1)
List I | List II |
A. Red Ribbon Express | 1. HIV/Aids |
B. Swacch Bharat Mission | 2. Janandolan |
C. SEEWA | 3. Gujarat |
D. SARI | 4. Tamil Nadu |
(a) 1 2 3 4
List I | List II |
A. Red Ribbon Express | 1. HIV/Aids |
B. Swacch Bharat Mission | 2. Janandolan |
C. SEEWA | 3. Gujarat |
D. SARI | 4. Tamil Nadu |
Question 11.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). (1)
Assertion (A) : Horizontal lines, in a dress, create an illusion of width.
Reason (R) : These lines give a stable and placid effect.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
Question 12.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). (1)
Assertion (A) : Right to safety under CPA, 1986 is taken from UN Convention on consumer protection.
Reason (R) : Right to safety will ensure good quality of products to consumer.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
Question 13.
Match the following. (1)
List I | List II |
A. Campaign | 1. Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan |
B. Television | 2. Jingles |
C. Print media | 3. Mobile Banking |
D. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | 4. Project Village Chhetra |
(a) 1 2 3 4
List I | List II |
A. Campaign | 1. Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan |
B. Television | 2. Jingles |
C. Print media | 3. Mobile Banking |
D. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | 4. Project Village Chhetra |
Read the passage carefully and answer question no 14 to 18.
As our former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh stated in one of his speeches “The problem of malnutrition is a matter of national shame. I appeal to the nation to resolve and work hard to eradicate malnutrition in 5 years”. There is a need to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to solve nutritional problems. Government is making considerable efforts to solve the problems. Poshan Abhiyaan or the PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition was launched in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan in March 2018. It targets stunting, under-nutrition, anaemia (among young children, women and adolescent girls) and low birth rate. It is meant to monitor and review the implementation of all such schemes. Its large component involves gradual scaling-up of interventions to all districts in the country by 2022.
Question 14.
Poshan Abhiyaan year?
(a) 2019
(b) 2018
(c) 2017
(d) 2019
(b) 2018
Question 15.
Poshan Abhiyaan was first launched in which state?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Gujarat
(b) Rajasthan
Question 16.
Which of the following conditions are treated under Poshan Abhiyaan? (1)
I. Stunting
II. Under nutrition
III. Anaemia
IV. Low birth rate
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I, III and IV
(d) I, II, III and IV
(d) I, II, III and IV
Question 17.
Anaemia is caused by the deficiency of …. (1)
(a) Iron
(b) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Calcium
(a) Iron
Question 18.
In which of the following states the deficiency of iodine is common? (1)
I. Jammu and Kashmir
II. Andhra Pradesh
III. Maharashtra
IV. Madhya Pradesh
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and III
(b) II and IV
(c) I, II and III
(d) I, II, III and IV
(d) I, II, III and IV
Section B
Section B consists of 7 questions of 2 marks each and 4 questions of 3 marks each
Question 19.
Ashish’s eyesight is getting weaker day by day and he is no more able see around normally especially at night. Which
deficiency is present in Ashish? (2)
Ashish is suffering from the deficiency of Vitamin A which causes night blindness. Vitamin A is necessary for maintenance of healthy epithelium, normal vision, growth and immunity. Vitamin A deficiency is also the most common cause of childhood blindness.
Question 20.
(a) Why are youth, a vulnerable section in society? Give any two reasons.
(b) Give reasons as to why children are a vulnerable section of society. (1+1)
(a) Two reasons responsible for the vulnerability of youth are
- Due to peer pressure and pressure to excel in an increasingly competitive world which cause a lot of stress and turmoil.
- A disturbed family environment is unable to provide positive support to the adolescent, some adolescents may consume alcohol and drugs.
(b) Children are vulnerable section of society because childhood is a period of rapid development in all domains and development in one area influences development in all other areas.
Question 21.
Preeti is learning about the concept of colour in her Fashion Designing Institute. She has come across the word chroma. What is chroma? (2)
Chroma or intensity in fashion designing is the brightness or purity of colour. Dullness results when the colour is blended with other colour specifically with colour opposite to it on colour wheel.
Question 22.
Renu is facing many problems with the new fadio she has purchased. The radio company is not attending to her repeated calls and complaints.
Her friends suggested her to approach a consumer forum. What is a consumer forum? (2)
Consumer forum is a place or an organisation where consumers can seek protection and help them address their problems faced regarding products and services.
Question 23.
What is split complementary contrast scheme in fashion designing? (2)
Split-complementary contrast scheme in fashion designing is a three colour scheme using one hue and its complement and neighbour. Instead of using a complementary colour, two colours placed symetrically around it on the colour wheel are used.
Question 24.
Write a note on Development Journalism. (2)
Write a note on Development Communication. (2)
Development Journalism is a relatively newer concept. It has come into existence after the colonial era ended. Development Journalism focuses on success stories of people who have adopted new technologies, tried new methods and helped the society. It seeks to describe the people at work in new projects and processes.
Development Communication is the practice of systematically applying the processes, strategies and principles of communication to bring about positive social change. The term Development Communication was first coined in 1972 by Quebral.
Question 25.
Raghav and his college friends wish to spread awareness regarding sanitation and hygiene in their city. Which is the best possible way to spread awareness in their city? (2)
Mr Narendra wants to expand his business. His friend suggested him to make the best use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). How can he make its best use? (2)
Raghav and his friends can spread awareness regarding sanitation and hygiene by organising a campaign. A campaign will create public awareness and shall provides specific message. It lasts in the memory of the people and stimulates action. It creates conducive environment for adoption of practices.
Mr Narendra can make the best use of ICT in expanding his business by making the use of mobile phone. He can use phone in banking maintaining records of his account. He also use phone for marketing his products. He can also look after distribution of his products and services and keep a track of his employment status.
Question 26.
Discuss the long term strategies adopted in India to tackle nutritional problems. (2 + 1 = 3)
Discuss the role of a public health nutritionist. (3)
In India, there are indirect policy instruments which include long term strategies for the achievement of national goals through institutional or structural changes like
- Ensuring food security which is basically improving the availability of food among the people.
- Improvement in dietary patterns by ensuring the availability of nutritionally rich foods.
- Poverty alleviation for rural and urban poor through employment generation schemes and public distribution system, implementing land reforms, improving health and family welfare, prevention of food adulteration, involvement of media, monitoring of nutrition programmes, education and literacy, etc.
Following roles are performed by a public health nutritionist
- They focus on general trends of how the public eats, then find ways to educate the community about how to improve their dietary choices.
- Public health nutritionists are responsible for identifying the source of nutrition issues in a community and finding ways to address them.
- Their main goal is to improve the health and nutrition of the overall population, creating a culture of positive, well-informed eating habits.
Question 27.
Write a note on the Protein Energy Malnutrition and Iron-Deficiency Anaemia. (2 + 1 = 3)
Protein Energy Malnutrition(PEM) is a deficiency disease caused by inadequate food intake vis-a-vis the requirements, i.e. insufficient intake of the macronutrients (energy and protein). Children are at greatest risk although PEM can occur in adults especially the elderly, as well as in some diseases.
Iron-Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) is a common clinical condition when hemoglobin production is considerably , reduced and it results in low levels of hemoglobin in blood. Since, hemoglobin is required for carrying oxygen in the body, any physical exertion leads to shortness of breath, fatigue and lethargy.
Question 28.
Discuss the organisational structure of Fashion Retail Organisations. (3)
Discuss major divisions in Fashion Retail Organisations. (3)
Organisational structure of Fashion Retail Organisations consist of
- Small single-unit store which is a neighbourhood store. These are owner and family operated single stores.
- department stores which consist of separate sections, known as departments, such as clothing, sporting goods, automotive supplies, health and beauty products and electronics equipment. Some department stores may also sell food products.
- Chain stores which are retail outlets that share a brand and central management and usually have standardised business methods and practices.
Major divisions in Fashion Retail Organisations are as follows
- Merchandising Division It includes buying, merchandise planning and control, selling and fashion coordination.
- Sales and Promotion Division It includes advertising, visual merchandising, special events, publicity and public relations.
- Finance and Control Division It includes credit, account payable and inventory control.
- Operational Division It includes maintenance of facilities, stores and merchandise protection, personnel, customer service and receiving and marking of merchandise.
- Personnel and Branch Store Division It may function separately if the .store operations are very large.
Question 29.
Discuss the following problems faced by consumers worldwide. (1.5 + 1.5)
(a) Adulteration
(b) High prices
(a) Adulteration A substance is said to be adulterated when some substances are either added to or removed from a product. Adulteration is a serious problem not only because it is exploitative, but because it can cause harm to health and safety of the consumer.
(b) High Prices Prices are influenced by government policy, availability, quality, method of distribution, costs of promotion, method of purchase and consumer’s desire for convenience. Some suppliers may overcharge when they find that the customer is not well informed and lacks knowledge.
Section C
Section C consists of 4 questions of 3 marks each and 2 questions of 5 marks each
Question 30.
Raj is suffering from Goitre. Doctor has diagnosed that it is due to a deficiency of iodine. (1 + 3)
(a) Goitre is related to which gland in human body?
(b) Discuss about Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD). How does iodine deficiency affect the pregnancy?
(a) Goitre is related to thyroid gland in human body. Enlarged thyroid known as ‘goitre’ is the most common manifestation of iodine deficiency in adults,
(b) IDD is present largely due to its deficiency of iodine in the soil. IDD is a spectrum of disabling conditions that adversely affect the human health, from fetal life to adulthood. It occurs due to deficiency of iodine in the diet. Deficiency of iodine results in less production of thyroid hormone synthesised by thyroid gland.
Question 31.
Neha is undergoing a training to be a public nutrionist and is looking for various opportunities in this field. (1 + 1 + 2 = 4)
(a) What are some key areas that Neha need to have a thorough knowledge in order to complete this course?
(b) Name some developmental programmes where Neha can work after the completion of her course.
(c) How can she help young children and pregnant women through her training?
(a) The key areas which Neha needs to have a thorough knowledge to complete her course includes nutritional, science, nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, nutritional assessment, nutritional care, food science, educational methods, etc.
(b) After the completion of her course, Neha can work in all developmental programmes of government, voluntary organisations, NGOs and international organisations like UNICEF, USAID, GAIN, Nutrition International, TATA Trust, IFPRI, etc.
(c) Neha can help young children and pregnant women by involving with organisations, who undertake large scale feeding programmes for various target groups such as young children, school children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers, elderly, challenged individuals.
Question 32.
(a) Write a note on the role of teacher during pre-school years. (1 + 1 + 2 = 4)
(b) Describe some opportunities and scope of careers in early childhood education.
(c) Discuss some skills required while giving 1 education and care to young children.
Discuss how encouragement of adventures is helping in overall development of youth. (4)
(a) A pre-school teacher plays a role in providing interesting and stimulating opportunities for children to learn new things, experiencing natural phenomena, providing ample opportunities for a variety of experiences like physical, language, social-emotional and other learning experiences.
(b) There are numerous opportunities and scope of careers in early childhood education. He/She can work as teacher in a nursery school, a caregiver in a creche or as a member of a team of people working for programmes with young children.
(c) The skills of story-telling, dance, music, voice modulation, of organising playful outdoor and indoor
activities are mandatory while giving education and care to children. The person should also be aware of the community and culture so that the pre-school activities are in the context of the culture and regional environment in which the child is growing up.
Promotion of adventure helps in overall development of personality among youths. Many youth clubs and voluntary organisations organise activities like mountaineering, trekking, hiking, exploration for collection of data, study of flora and fauna in the mountains, forests, deserts and sea, canoeing, coastal sailing, raft-exhibitions, swimming, cycling, etc.
These programmes are conducted by using the financial assistance provided by the government for promotion of adventure. These activities are aimed at encouraging the spirit of adventure, risk-taking, co-operative team-work, capacity of ready and vital response to challenging situations and endurance among the youth. Government also provides assistance for establishment and development of institutions to facilitate such activities.
Question 33.
(a) Mention any four consumer responsibilities.
(b) Discuss some skills required for a study in consumer rights field. (2 + 2 = 4)
(a) Four consumer responsibilities are as follows
- Consumers should have responsibility towards regularly updating their knowledge of various laws and legislative provisions made by the government.
- Consumer should be honest in all their dealings and must pay for all their purchases.
- Consumer should feel free to choose from the variety available as per their needs and requirements.
- Consumer should keep receipts and other relevant documents of purchase. These may be needed as proof of purchase for filing complaints in case of problems/defective/malfunctioning products.
(b) Some skills required in the field of consumer rights are
- Knowledge about consumer protection mechanisms and redressal agencies.
- Writing skills for developing educational material for consumer education, reporting consumer tests of consumer products.
- A willingness to help fellow consumers and public at large.
- In case of purchase of sen/ices like insurance, credit cards, bank deposits etc, he/she should read and understand all terms and conditions, liabilities, service charges, etc and make an effort to get the representative to clarify points that are not clearly written.
- He/she must have increasing awareness about various national and international consumer organisations in terms of their activities, work and understand the benefits of becoming a member of such organisations.
Question 34.
Discuss the factors that have led to increase in issues related to food quality and food safety. (5)
Some factors that have led to increase in issues related to food quality and food safety are
- In commercial settings, foods are prepared in bulk handled by many persons, thus there are more chances of food getting contaminated. Further, food items are prepared many hours in advance and may spoil if not stored appropriately.
- There are many processed and packaged foods. Safety of these foods is important.
- Spices and condiments, oilseeds were processed at home in former times and purity of these were not a concern.
- In today’s world, pre-packaged individual spices, condiments, spice powders and mixes are in demand, especially in cities and metros. Quality of even raw food stuff besides processed foods is of public health concern and must be addressed.
- Logistics governing transport of bulk food is complex and there is a long gap between processing and consumption. Thus, risk assessment and safety management during mass production and mass distribution is critical.
- Microbial adaptations, antibiotic resistance, altered human susceptibility and international travelling have all contributed to increasing incidence of food-borne microbial diseases.
Question 35.
Nishant is doing a fashion designing course wherein he has to study various colour schemes and other concepts related to colours.
(a) What is colour theory?
(b) Why cannot Nishant undertake dyeing in fibre stage? (3 + 2)
(a) What is organisational structure? Can you provide examples of different organisational structures that are commonly used in the fashion retail sector?
(b) What are the different methods of market segmentation? How market can be segmented? (2+3)
(a) Colour theory is the collection of rules and guidelines which designers use to communicate with users through appealing colour schemes in visual interfaces. It explains how humans perceive colour and the visual effects of how colours mix, match or contrast with each other. In colour theory, colours are organised on a colour wheel and grouped into 3 categories i.e. primary colours, secondary colours and tertiary colours.
(b) Nishant cannot undertake dyeing in fibre stage because it proves to be the most expensive process. However, it is resorted to for some manufactured fibers which are not easily dyed or if the design requirement is for a yarn with multicoloured fibers.
(a) An organisational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organisation. It gives a clear understanding of the authority and responsibility for each job to be done.
Organisational structures that are commonly used in the fashion retail sector are
- Small Single-Unit Store It is also known as a neighbourhood store. These are generally owner and family oriented single stores.
- Department Store It consist of separate sections, known as departments, such as clothing, sporting goods, automotive supplies, health and beauty products and electronics equipment. Some of the department stores also sell food products.
(b) Market segmentation is a strategy that involves dividing a larger market into subsets of consumers who have common needs and applications for the goods and services offered in the market.
Market can be segmented in various ways
- Demographic Segmei itation It is segmentation on the basis of populatio, , aqe jex, occupation, education and income.
- Geographic Segmentation It is segmentation on the basis of cities, states and regions. Climate of various places may vary and it plays an important role as choice of merchandise, especially as selection of clothes is climate dependent.
- Psychographic Segmentation It is segmentation on the basis of lifestyle like social activities, interests, leisure pursuits, needs and wants. People having similar lifestyles can make up a target market group.
- Behavioural Segmentation It is segmentation on the basis of opinion on specific products or services. Many times rating of usage of products and services is done. This helps in improving the service/product and make it different from others.