Students must start practicing the questions from CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science with Solutions Set 2 are designed as per the revised syllabus.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Home Science Set 2 with Solutions
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions:
- All questions are compulsory.
- There are total 35 questions.
- Question paper is divided into three sections-A, B and C.
- Section A has question no. 1 to 18 (multiple choice questions) and are of 1 mark each. Question no. 14 to 18 are case based questions.
- Section B has question no.19 to 25 of 2 marks each and question no.26 to 29 of 3 marks each.
- Section C has question no.30 to 33 of 4 marks each and question no.34 and 35 are of 5 marks each.
- Internal choices are given in some questions.
- Support your answers with suitable examples wherever required.
Section A
Section A consists of 18 questions of 1 mark each
Question 1.
Which of the following factors do not depend on the type of work undertaken by people? (1)
(a) Globalisation
(b) Geographic location
(c) Family background
(d) Number of members in the family
(d) Number of members in the family
Question 2.
Which of the following process is not involved in a fashion cycle? (1)
(a) Introduction of style
(b) Increase in popularity
(c) Sustenance of popularity
(d) Peak of popularity
(c) Sustenance of popularity
Question 3.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). (1)
Assertion (A) : Meaningful work is useful to society or to other and is done responsibly.
Reason (R) : It is important to choose something to sustain the individual’s enthusiasm to carry on his/her work.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
Question 4.
The ‘National Service Volunteer Scheme’ offers students the chance to participate in national development programs on a fulltime basis for-a duration of one or two years. Following are the programmes undertaken by them. (1)
I. Organising jamborees
II. Vocational training
III. Adult education
IV. Coastal sailing
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) I and III
(c) III and IV
(d) I and IV
(d) I and IV
There are multiple reasons why the elderly are considered to be a group that is particularly vulnerable. (1)
Few reasons are
I. Decreased defence mechanism
II. Increased financial resources
III. Improved physiological reserves
IV. Nuclear family system
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I and IV
(d) II and IV
(c) I and IV
Question 5.
Radha has designed a shirt for her brother in a black colour. Black is a type of ……………….. . (1)
(a) primary colour
(b) secondary colour
(c) tertiary colour
(d) neutral colour
(d) neutral colour
Question 6.
Which of the following nutrients are normally inadequate in a person who is suffering from micronutrient deficiency? (1)
I. Vitamin A
II. Iodine
III. Zinc
IV. Calcium
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I, II and III
(d) I, II, III and IV
(c) I, II and III
Question 7.
Match the following. (1)
List I | List II |
A. Anganwadis | 1. All day programmes |
B. Day care and creches | 2. ICDS |
C. Montessori Schools | 3. ECCE |
D. Preparation for schooling | 4. Maria Montessori |
(b) 2 1 4 3
List I | List II |
A. Anganwadis | 2. ICDS |
B. Day care and creches | 1. All day programmes |
C. Montessori Schools | 4. Maria Montessori |
D. Preparation for schooling | 3. ECCE |
Question 8.
Match the following. (1)
List I | List II |
A. ICDS | 1. Children |
B. Scouts and Guides | 2. Elderly |
C. Respite Care Homes | 3. Youth |
D. National Service Volunteer Scheme | 4. Nehru Yuva Kendra |
(a) 1 3 2 4
List I | List II |
A. ICDS | 1. Children |
B. Scouts and Guides | 3. Youth |
C. Respite Care Homes | 2. Elderly |
D. National Service Volunteer Scheme | 4. Nehru Yuva Kendra |
Question 9.
Under the Juvenile Act, which of the following types of children are eligible for placement in special homes? (1)
(a) Children in conflict with law
(b) Abused children
(c) Neglected children
(d) Disabled children
(a) Children in conflict with law
Question 10.
Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). (1)
Assertion (A) :Development communication function as a tool for mass communication.
Reason (R) : It can be used to find sustainable solutions and for local community development.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
Question 11.
Which among the following do not constitute under invisible chemical hazards in food? (1)
(a) Pesticides
(b) Non Permissible Food Additives
(c) Adulterants
(d) Matchsticks
(d) Matchsticks
Question 12.
Red Ribbon Express (RRE) was a campaign launched for generating awareness about which of the following diseases? (1)
(a) HIV/Aids
(b) Polio
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Cancer
(a) HIV/Aids
Question 13.
In Which year did the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme begin? (1)
(a) 1st October, 1974
(b) 2nd October, 1975
(c) 2nd October, 1976
(d) 1st October, 1977
(b) 2nd October, 1975
In which year ‘National Policy for Older People’ and ‘National Youth Policy’ was adopted ? (1)
(a) 1999 and 2003
(b) 1998 and 2003
(c) 1999 and 2004
(d) 1998 and 2004
(a) 1999 and 2003
Read the passage carefully and answer question no 14 to 18.
Nutritional care has gained importance worldwide; more so in recent times. Health problems/illness and disease and their treatment can affect nutritional status in the varieties of ways by impairing person’s ability to eat and or/swallow, by interfering with digestion, absorption and metabolism as well as excretion. Even if one function is initially affected in some individuals, if the health problem intensifies; other body functions may be affected. Clinical nutrition focuses on nutritional management of patients with established diseases.
Question 14.
Health problems or illness do not affect person’s nutritional status in which of the following process ? (1)
(a) By interfering in absorption
(b) By interfering in circulation
(c) By interfering in metabolism
(d) By interfering in digestion
(b) By interfering in circulation
Question 15
………………. focuses on nutritional management of patients with established disease. (1)
(a) Clinical nutrition
(b) Domestic nutrition
(c) Vegan nutrition
(d) Autotrophic nutrition
(a) Clinical nutrition
Question 16.
Who among the following is the focus of nutritional care process? (1)
(a) Patient
(b) Trained nutritionist
(c) Diet
(d) Alternative therapy
(a) Patient
Question 17.
Clinical nutritionist plays an important role in prevention of disease and promotion of good health by (1)
I. addressing the patient’s needs in individual and holistic manner.
II. recommending therapeutic diets for management of various diseases.
III. providing supporting medications to cure the patient.
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I, II and m
(d) I and III
(a) I and II
Question 18.
Nutrition plays a major role in which of the following? (1)
I. Disease states
II. Management and treatment of diseases
III. Recovery from diseases
IV. Prognosis of illness
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I, II and IV
(d) I, II, III and IV
(d) I, II, III and IV
Section B
Section B consists of 7 questions of 2 marks each and 4 questions of 3 marks each
Question 19.
Rama is unable to chew or swallow food normally. Which type of diet she should consume? Give one benefit of such diet. (2)
If Rama is unable to chew or swallow food normally, she should consume liquid diet. The benefit of such diet is that it can be absorbed easily even if gastrointestinal tract is not functioning properly.
Question 20.
Mention any four guiding principles of ECCE. (2)
Mention any four skills required by an early childhood professional. (2)
Four guiding principles of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) are
- Play as the basis for learning
- Art as the basis of education
- Recognition of the special features of children’s thinking
- Blend of textual and cultural sources
Four skills required by an early childhood professional are
- Knowledge about the needs and capabilities of young children
- Capacity and motivation for interacting with children
- Skills for creative and interesting activities with children in all areas of development
- Enthusiasm for activities like story-telling . exploration, nature and social interaction.
Question 21.
What are the important roles and impacts of the fashion design and merchandising industry? (2)
The important roles and impacts of the fashion design and merchandising industry are
- Fashion design and merchandising industry will help an individual to understand how the fashion business works.
- It consists of all the processes involved with producing
- the raw material, apparel and accessories and the retail stores that sell fashion merchandise to the public.
Question 22.
Enlist four stages of Guest Cycle in hospitality management. (2)
The four stages of Guest Cycle in hospitality management are
- Pre-arrival Stage It includes quoting rates for the guests and reserving the room as a part of central reservation system.
- Arrival Stage In this stage, guest actually arrives or checks in.
- Occupancy It involves providing various services to guest as per the guest’s requirements and ensuring their security.
- Departure In this stage, the guest is ready to move out or check out of the accommodation.
Question 23.
Discuss any two skills required to make a career in media houses and advertising agencies. (2)
How is questioning ability useful in the field of media and communication? (2)
Two skills required to make a career in media houses and advertising agencies are
- Cognitive Skills These skills are required to perceive an issue.
- Creative Skills These skills are required to project the issues and concepts in a creative way to attract attention and make an impact in an effective manner.
Questioning ability is helpful in the field of media and communication to look into finer details of any issue. It helps to develop sense of curiosity among the professionals and hence encourage the research activities among them. Passion for travel and adventure are also useful as travelling to remote areas helps them to gather interesting stories and ideas.
Question 24.
Write a short note on commercial laundry. (2)
Commercial laundries are bigger laundries that usually provide services for hospitals and hotels. These are organised into different sections which deal with various jobs such as washing, drying, ironing and pressing. Some of them have separate section for dry-cleaning or for various fabrics such as wool or silk.
Question 25.
What is the role and significance of buying agencies in the field of merchandising? (2)
Buying agency provides sen/ices for goods buying consultancy in the field of merchandising. A buying agency acts as procurement (Purchase) office for the buvers. The buying agent is responsible to identify vendors, negotiate costs, check in-process quality and perform ore-shipment quality inspection. They also keep a regular control over the quality factor during the production process.
Question 26.
What initiatives has the government undertaken to support women? (3)
Explain the Constitutional Rights and legislation implemented in India to safeguard the rights of women. (3)
The government initiatives taken in the support of . women are as follows
- A National Plan of Action (NPA) for women was taken up by the Department of Social Welfare to implement the Equal Remuneration Act.
- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhalaya (KGBV) is a scheme which was initiated by the Government of India under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan for bringing never-enrolled and dropout girls from rural, remote afid disadvantaged sections of the society into school education till elementary level.
- Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana is a campaign launched by PM Narendra Modi to promote awareness regarding girl’s education and combat the declining Child Sex ratio. This scheme also carries provisions for awards and recognitions.
The Constitution holds that women workers must be provided with
- fair and humane conditions of work,
- protection from any kind of exploitation,
- given support and encouragement in their educational and economic pursuits.
The Indian Constitution empowers the State to make special provisions for women and children. To safeguard Constitutional Rights of women, there are several Acts in India such as
- The Factories Act of 1948
- The Plantation of Labour Act, 1951
- The Mines Act of 1952, etc. (providing protection to women in various industrial sectors)
- Employees State Insurance Act (ESI Act)
- The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
Question 27.
(a) Discuss the concepts of food safety and food adulteration in brief.
(b) Explain the concept of food processing. (1.5 + 1.5)
(a) Food safety means an assurance that food is t acceptable for human consumption according to its intended use.
Food adulteration is the process in which the quality of food is lowered either by addition of inferior quality material or by extraction of valuable ingredient.
(b) Food processing is a set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into finished and semi finished products. It consists of process of converting raw material from plants or animal sources to be converted into edible, consumable, durable and attractive products.
Question 28.
What is proportion? Briefly discuss proportion of colour and proportion of texture. (1 + 1 + 1)
Mention any three factors that you keep in mind while selecting colours for your dress. (3)
Proportion is concerned with the relation of one part of object with another part. It requires a skilled blending so much that beginning and ending of parts is not apparently visible.
Proportion of Colour Different colours can be worn to create proportion of different colours by using golden mean.
Proportion of Texture This can be achieved when various textures of material used for making a dress if it increase or decrease the size of the person wearing the garment:
Three factors to be kept in mind while selecting colours for a dress are
- It is important that the chosen colour highlights the appearance of the person and not focuses on the drawbacks.
- The shade or tint on the colour to be used should be considered as well.
- Proper chroma should be used.
Question 29.
Describe one role of each of the following departments of a hotel. (1 + 1 + 1)
(a) Front office
(b) Housekeeping
(c) Food and Beverages
(a) The front office is the first level of interaction between hotel and a guest. It includes welcoming and greeting guests, making room reservations for them, allocating rooms, keeping a record of check-in and check-out, issuing room keys and other guest related services.
(b) Housekeeping department is primarily responsible for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, cleaning guest rooms and public areas, supplying and upkeeping of laundry as well as maintaining aesthetics of the organisation.
(c) The primary roie of food and beverage is to ensure the highest quality service to guests. This includes taking orders, preparing meals, serving dishes and cleaning up after meals. In addition, they must be aware of health and safety regulations and adhere to them in all their tasks.
Section C
Section C consists of 4 questions of 4 marks each and 2 questions of 5 marks each
Question 30.
Mr Sharma has established his own jam and pickle making unit. He has been asked by Government agencies to implement HACCP. (1 + 3 = 4)
(a) Give the full form of HACCP.
(b) Discuss various roles of HACCP.
(a) The full form of HACCP is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.
(b) Roles of HACCP includes
- Identification of hazards, assessment of chances of occurrence of hazards from raw material procurement, manufacturing, distribution, usage 1 of food products and defining measures for hazard(s) control.
- To ensure food safety and enable producers, processors, distributors and exporters to utilise resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner for assuring food safety.
- For assuring consistently good quality products.
Question 31.
Modem Fashionable is a famous fashion designing and merchandising house. It performs merchandising tasks on multiple levels. In this context discuss the following (2 + 1 + 1)
(a) Retail Organisation Merchandising
(b) Buying Agency Merchandising
(c) Export House Merchandising
(a) Retail Organisation Merchandising It includes the activities in the fashion world from designer’s showroom to retail sales floor and to the hands to consumers. It ensures that adequate products are produced and are sold at such prices which are affordable to consumers as well as profitable to organisation. It is a specialised management function within the fashion industry.
(b) Buying Agency Merchandising It provides services for goods buying consultancy. Buying agency acts as a procurement office for the buyers.
(c) Export House Merchandising There are two types of merchandisers in an export house that are the buyer merchandiser (they act as a link between the buyer and the manufacturer) and the production merchandiser (they act as a link between production and buyer merchants).
Question 32.
(a) Discuss any two programmes and initiatives to cater to needs of vulnerable children.
(b) Mention the different kinds of homes run for children. (2 + 2)
(a) Two programmes and initiatives to cater to needs of vulnerable children are
- Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) of the Government of India It is the world’s largest early childhood programme which aims to meet the health, nutrition, stimulation and 1 early learning /education needs of children below six years of age.
- SOS Children’s Villages This is an independent non-governmental social organisation which has pioneered a family approach to the long-term care of orphaned and abandoned children.
(b) There are three kinds of homes for children
- Observation Homes These are homes where children stay temporarily till the completion of an investigation to track down their parents and collect information on their family background.
- Special Homes These are homes where juveniles that are children less than 18 years of age are found guilty in terms of violation of law are placed in custodial care.
- Juvenile or Children’s Homes These are homes where children whose families are not i traceable or are unfit or dead or simply unwilling to take the child back, stay.
Question 33.
(a) Safety is an initial attribute and precursor s of quality. As per the given statement, discuss the salient points that should be kept in mind to ensure food quality.
(b) Why good handling practices are essential to ensure food safety and quality? (2 + 2)
(a) Suggest some tasks that should be undertaken by the food industry to ensure food safety.
(b) Which steps should be taken on the part of the customers to ensure food quality and safety? (2 + 2)
(a) Some points that should be kept in mind to ensure food quality are
- Quality of raw materials and water.
- Cleanliness of the premises, personnel, equipment, food preparation, storage and serving areas.
- Storage of food at appropriate temperature.
- Food hygiene.
- Good service practices.
(b) Good handling practices are essential to ensure food safety and quality. These practices indicate a comprehensive approach from the farm to the store or consumer, in order to identify potential sources of risk and indicates what steps and procedures should be taken to minimise the risk of contamination.
(a) The food industry can undertake following tasks to ensure food safety
- It may conduct hazard analysis test in order to identify hazards and finally removing them.
- It can also establish critical limits for each controlling point, procedures in order to maintain food making actions and to establish verification procedures in order to confirm the corrective steps taken.
- Extensive training should be given to the employees since they are also responsible for the right handling of food products.
- Distributors must ascertain the quality check of food articles.
(b) On the part of consumers, following steps are to be performed to ensure food quality and safety
- Washing hands before handling food.
- Analysing of the food ingredients according to their needs.
- Reading the labels on the food item carefully for manufacturing date, batch no, best before date, possible allergens present, etc.
- Checking the standardisation mark as per the food product e.g. ISI mark on processed foods, Agmark on agricultural products, etc.
Question 34.
Explain the role of a dietician and mention the objectives of diet therapy. (5)
What is a regular diet?. Which parameters are included while designing a modified diet for a patient? (1 + 4)
Role of a dietician is to provide advice to patients and if necessary, give prescriptions to healthy individuals at different stages of the life cycle, from the womb to the tomb (i.e., pregnancy, infancy and childhood up to old age) in order to help them maintain good nutritional status and remain healthy. Besides this, nutrition and diet therapy are used to improve the overall health of patients with a wide range of conditions.
The objectives of diet therapy are
- Promotion of recovery formulation of the diet to meet the needs of the patient taking into consideration her or his food habits,
- Modification of the existing diets to ameliorate the disease condition and to keep it under control,
- Correction of nutritional deficiencies,
- Prevention of short-term and long-term complications in case of chronic diseases,
- Education and counselling of the patient regarding the need to adhere to the prescribed diet.
Regular diet is a diet that includes all groups of foods and meets the needs of healthy individuals. Modified diets are those that are adjusted to meet the medical needs of a patient.
Parameters that are included while designing a modified diet for a patient are
- Change in consistency and/or texture, e.g., fluid and soft diets,
- An increase or decrease in the energy intake,
- Including greater or lesser amounts of one or more nutrients e.g., increase in protein intake in case of surgery, lower protein intake in case of kidney failure, high or low in fibre, lower fat intake, restriction in sodium intake, restriction in fluid intake, restricted intake of certain foods as these may be rich in a non-nutritive dietary constituent e.g., spinach, because spinach is rich in oxalates.
- Change in the number of meals or modification in intervals of feeding or special plan for patients when route of feeding is altered.
Question 35.
Sonali is a Fashion Merchandiser working in Raga Fashion House. She is involved in various activities of the house. On the basis of her involvement in activities of the house, answer the following questions (1 + 2 + 2)
(a) How can she contribute in buying?
(b) How can Sonali give her inputs in manufacturing?
(c) How is she responsible for selling the fashion items?
(a) Sonali can contribute in buying by buying the merchandise to be presented in store. For this, she needs to be aware of target market and should be well acquainted with in trend analysis and forecasting.
(b) In manufacturing, Sonali (a Fashion Merchandiser) can give her significant input on the types of fabrics used to make a piece of clothing. Having the depth knowledge of fabrics and its varieties, she can change design’s vision into reality. She may find most affordable, stylish and trendy way to get the piece manufactured.
(c) Sonali is also responsible for selling the fashion items to the stores which will, in turn, sell it to consumers. She may give creative inputs as to how to display an item in store. She also needs to have a strong research in market trend analysis as well as forecasting to give recommendations regarding production of items.