Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 7 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications Term 2 Set 7 for Practice
Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum Marks: 25
General Instructions:
- The Question Paper contains three sections A, B and C. Each section is compulsory.
- Section A has 4 questions of short answer type. Each question is of 2 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
- Section B has 3 questions of Long Answer Type-I (LA-I). Each question is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
- Section C has 2 questions of Long Answer Type-II (LA-II). Each question is of 4 marks.
Section – A (8 Marks)
(This section has 4 questions of short answer type. Each question is of 2 marks.
Internal choice is provided in 1 question.)
Question 1.
Briefly explain ISP. (2)
Question 2.
Explain the given command <a href = “wild.htmr>Click Here for wild animals</a> (2)
Question 3.
Give a brief descritpion of any four attributes used with <TABLE> tag. (2)
Question 4.
The borders are used to enclose the elements and to decorate them. How can you apply borders to text in CSS?
Garvit wants to make the text of his website very attractive and presentable. Help him by suggesting all the font-properties that he can use for his web page. (2)
SECTION – B (9 Marks)
(This section has 3 questions of Long Answer Type-1 (LA-1). Each equestion is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.)
Question 5.
Aastha has got an assignment to write a brief note on newsgroup. What do you know about newsgroup? Explain. (3)
Question 6.
Explain the features of a web browser.
Though online shopping is a quick and easy way to purchase a product, some people prefer to use this technology only in a limited way. What are the demerits involved with online shopping? (3)
Question 7.
Discuss the negative impacts of social networking sites. (3)
Section – C (8 Marks)
(This section has 2 questions of Long Answer Type-1 (LA-1). Each equestion is of 4 marks. Question-8 is of case
based type)
Question 8.
Read the case study given below and attempt any 4 sub-questions (out of 5). Each sub-question carries 1 mark. (4)
Kapoor and Son’s is a LegalAdvisory firm that provides services on Legal matters. They have a large number of clients. Now they want to make a website to approach a larger number of clients. (4)
(A) The domain name of their website is Write the complete URL for it.
(B) The website consists of many pages. The page ‘registen.php’ of the same website allows the clients to register themselves for legal advices. Write complete URL for this page.
(C) The clients have to pay a membership fees of Rs. 2500/- online at the time of registration. They can use ………………. web service to pay fees online.
(D) The firm also runs an online group where people can discuss their legal matters. The group is ………………… type of web service.
(E) Pratap received a notice from his opponent. He wants to send the copy of notice to Kapoor & Son’s firm. How can he send it along with email?
Question 9.
Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the given specifications. Students can write code for any 4 specifications out of the given 5 specifications. (4)
Specification 1: Table Border should be 4 and should appear in the center of the browser window.
Specification 2: The space between cells should be 5 and between cells and data should be 15.
Specification 3: The border colour should be green and the background colour of the table should be grey.
Specification 4: The caption and table header tags should be used wherever required.
Specification 5: The table should contain exactly same number of rows and columns as shown above. The data in each cell should be as shown in the above table