Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 5 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions
Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum Marks: 25
General Instructions:
- The Question Paper contains three sections A, B and C. Each section is compulsory.
- Section A has 4 questions of short answer type. Each question is of 2 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
- Section B has 3 questions of Long Answer Type-I (LA-I). Each question is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.
- Section C has 2 questions of Long Answer Type-II (LA-II). Each question is of 4 marks.
SECTION – A (8 Marks)
(This section has 4 questions of short answer type. Each question is of 2 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question )
Question 1.
Mrs. Das is using a Dial-up Internet connection which uses telephone lines and modem to transmit the data. What is a modem?
A school in Delhi has a policy to issue an email id to each of their students. They use this email id to send notices and other official information to them. Explain the term email. (2)
The full form of MODEM is MOdulator DEModulator. It is a hardware device that converts the digital data of a computer into an analog signal that can be read and carried by a telephone line at the source end and vice versa at the destination end.
E-mail or electronic mail is one of the most common easiest, fastest and cost effective method of transmitting messages over internet.
It is used to send written messages between individuals or group of individuals often geographically separated by Large distances.
Related Theory: and are two popular websites that allows their users to create o free email account
Question 2.
Shradha is writing a code to create internal hyperlink. What is given with ‘href attribute in internal hyperlink? (2)
The href attribute contains the Location name where the Link, upon clicking, will redirect. The Location is given a name followed by # for reference at the time of creating Link.
The “href” attribute contains ti<e location name where the link will navigate us when we click on the hyperlink. The ‘Name’ attribute of tag establishes the link to the content within the document.
Question 3.
On changing the height of rows, the text within the cells appears at bottom of the celL How can you align data vertically in a cell? (2)
VALIGN attribute is used to specify the vertical alignment of the contents within a cell. The values of VALIGN attribute are Bottom, Top and Middle. To control the vertical alignment of all the contents in a table the attribute is given with <TABLE> tag.
Students can get confused with ALIGN attribute. The align attribute used with <TABLE> tag aligns the complete table in browser window. When used with <TD>, <TR> and <TH> tags it acts differently.
Question 4.
Shreya wants to define CSS property to change the border. She wants the border to be double-lined, 5 pixels thick and red in colour. Give a compiled code for required border settings. (2)
{border: 5px double red;}
Related Theory:
To change all the border settings you can compile all the properties into one using border property. The syntax is as follows:
{Border: thickness <space> border style <space> predefmed_border_colour_name;} .
SECTION – B (9 Marks)
(This section has 3 questions of Long Answer Type-I (LA-I). Each question is of 3 marks. Internal choice is provided in 1 question.)
Question 5.
To tog on and transfer files on remote computer special protocols called remote access protocols are used. Explain the functions of any three remote access protocols.
Video conferencing is becoming immensely popular at present ft Is now being widely applied in many areas. Mention any three application areas of video conferencing. (3)
The remote access protocols and their functions are as follows:
- Telnet: Telnet is protocol used for creating a connection with a remote computer over TCP/IP networks like the internet.
- SFTP: SFTP also called SSH File Transfer Protocol, is a network protocol for accessing, transferring and managing files on remote systems.
- SCP: The SCP is a network protocol which helps in transferring computer files securely from a local host to a remote host. The SCP protocol supports encryption and authentication features.
Following are the top uses of video conferencing in the different fields:
- Meetings: Video calls help to set up conferences and meetings for business.
- Online teaching: Long distance live interactive courses are conducted using video conferencing.
- Distance diagnostics: In health care, to identify a symptom or problem from far is performed using video conferencing.
- Legal environment: Video conferencing is utilized by a lot of courtrooms for connecting with prisoners or witnesses that are not able to appear personally to be questioned.
Note: Write any three.
Question 6.
Sudha thinks that WWW is internet and vice versa. Throw light on this by explaining the difference between WWW and internet? (3)
Email has many advantages over traditional mailing system. Some of them are as follows:
- An email is very fast. It is received and delivered within seconds from anywhere in the world.
- Email is very cheap means of communication as compared to other systems.
- Sending and receiving an email is very easy and convenient. Many types of files such as text files, audio, videos and images can be sent as an attachment through an email.
- Multiple copies of a message can be sent to a group of people.
Note: Write any three
Related Theory:
The host or server is sometimes also called the email server or domain name.
Question 7.
‘E-banking is an umbrella term used for Internet banking and Mobile Banking’. Explain each of them. (3)
Internet banking: Internet banking also known as net banking uses Internet to conduct online transactions or other types of banking activities such as paying bills, paying emi, viewing account balance, downloading account statements, purchasing certificates of deposits like fixed deposit etc. Internet banking is done from a web browser and bank’s web server. It is also known as virtual banking.
Mobile banking: Mobile banking is also an Internet based banking but it is conducted on mobile devices like mobile phone and tablets. For mobile banking customer requires a banking app of his/her own bank. They can use its features by logging onto the app.
SECTION – C (8 Marks)
(This section has 2 questions of Long Answer Type-II (LA-II). Each question is of 4 marks. Question-8 is of case-based type.)
Question 8.
Read the case study given below and 9. attempt any 4 sub-questions (out of 5). Each sub-question carries 1 mark.
Zeenat is a 65 year old retired teacher. Her son laid bought a new smart phone for her.
He taught her mother how to operate a smart phone and also what other internet services she can use from her mobile. (4)
(A) Zaid booked flight tickets online for Zeenat. This is called ……………
E-reservation is a process of booking tickets, hotel rooms, tourist packages etc.
(B) In her spare time, Zeenat uses online service that provides a place for users to communicate in real time. This is called …………..
Chat room
Chat rooms are Web sites or programs that allow people to send text messages to one another in real time. The chat room works as a virtual room, where groups of people send messages that others can read promptly.
(C) Zeenat wants to online search her old friends. Suggest any three websites that could be helpful for her.
Facebook, Pipf and Yahoo search.
Related Theory:
The web sites that facilitate social networking are known as social sites or social media.The web based social media applications are used to build connections with friends, relatives, clients etc.
(D) Zaid has started an online course. Name any two websites that provide online courses.
Udemy and Coursera
Related Theory:
E-learning is conducted on Internet where students can access their study material online. It can be done at any place and at any time.
(E) Zeenat wants to explore more on her new mobile phone by doing online purchasing. Suggest any two sites that she can use for the same. Consider the following webpage and write an HTML code to generate it.
Related Theory:
e-shopping or online shopping is the process of buying goods and services online.
Question 9.
Write a code in HTML to generate the following table. Consider the specifications as given below. Students can write code for any 4 specifications Out of the given 5 specifications.
Seasonal Fruits | |
Summer | Winter |
Mango | Orange |
WaterMelon | Apple |
Kiwi | Guava |
Specification 1: The background colour of the table should be yellow.
Specification 2: The value of the border attribute should be 1.
Specification 3: First two rows should be header rows and their background colour should be cyan.
Specification 4: Rest of the rows should be body rows with grey background.
Specification 5: The web page should exactly contain text as shown in the above image. (4)
<html> <head> <title> Table header, footer and title </title> </head> <body> <table border=1 bgcolor=yellow> <thead bgcolor = cyan> <tr> <td colspan="2">Seasonal Fruits </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Summer</td> <td>Winter</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody bgcolor = grey> <tr> <td>Mango</td> <td>Orange</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Water Melon</td> <td>Apple</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kiwi</td> <td>Guava</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html>